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Everything posted by stony

  1. the rb25 r33 5 speed is more then strong enough to handle the rb26 i would love to upgrade to a tricked out auto...would for sure make the car faster ;>
  2. give these guys a ring they have adapters for just about any tranny fro the RB http://www.rodshop.com.au/links.htm
  3. sorry i didnt have one either we took it apart at my friends shop
  4. it does not i repeat does not bolt up
  5. is it hard to swap to a late model bed on these older trucks? i have seen it done just curious if its relatively easy or not. i like to go with a chevy 90-94 stepside. nice and smooth with easy lines to match up;> what do you think?
  6. james did you fab the collector too? or are they avail pre fabbed?
  7. yea the filter setups ive seen where on drag cars.
  8. the camber plates is a arizona z car kit. brad i was thinking about the same stuff.. just didnt feel like cutting it up at this point. I have seen custom setups where the piping goes into a big square air filter on the top of teh motor pulling fresh air from a modified 280z vent, lots of cutom stuff. right now i dont have them venting to anything but the air. next ting to do is make a oil catch can and run some hose from the vents to the can up front somewhere. what ive seen alot of people do for that is actually cut off the stock vents and either weld or thead in some earls fittings fro steel braided lines ;>
  9. finally got teh air filter adapters welded on and filter installed along with the new blow off. I must say mig welding aluminum is a BIATCH~!!!! but its done and it looks ok...not too bad... not a tig weld but ok.
  10. it is a 69 wide/short bed with a 350 3 speed auto with hei. beides that not much , rally wheels and a quite dual exhaust
  11. not z stuff but i bought an old gmc truck today 1969 shortbed to be exact in decent shape... has some rust but runs great fro 2500 bucks;> my question is are there any good reaserch stuff out there to decode vin. everything i have found is chevy related and dosnt make sense past teh 4th digit? the vin number is ce10dba17388 i know what the CE1 part is but the 0dba dosnt make sense??? 17388 is the production number can anyone help? know any good sites for old gmc/ chevy trucks. another one for any potential buffs....Do the coresponding chevy and gmc front clips interchange. ie fenders and grills? i like the chevy grill more then the GMC ;>
  12. if you fit a gtr rear you dont have to worry about it ;>... you guys to stop talking about this .. makes me want to do a awd swap ;>
  13. you wont need aftermarket turbos with an rb26 with that goal. My best 11.1 at 127 MPH on stock turbos and 15 psi booste. drives great around town. the only reason im not in the tens was axle breakage issues. I think i have that fixed now though ;>
  14. all i need is the stuff that goes in the middle like the piece that goes down from the dash to the center console where all the heat switches and stuff is and the brackets behind it that hold it in
  15. hey i am mobile and have hammered it a couple of times on the street....jsut need seat belt install to be track legal ;> count down begins...test and tune on may 17th ;>
  16. i need the entire center console let me know if you still have it intact
  17. ive posted this in several different areas but i have successfully swapped a z31 rear into the car without adapters using the z31 stubs. i machined the strut housing to accept bearing that fit the z31 stubs and had custom shorter cv axles made from the z31 examples, made up some brake adapters and now basically now have the entire z31 rear suspension minus the struts themselves ;>
  18. remember i didnt use the s30 spindle for that reason... mine is a z31 spindle which does not have that space.
  19. my car is very streetable, basically a stock drivetrain with bigger injectors and booste turned up . stock booste is 8 psi i think and i currently have it tuned at 15 psi. so out of booste it drives as any other car. actually gets decent mileage as long as i stay out of the booste. once i upgrade turbos should get over 500rwhp at the same booste levels. btw i plan driving it daily as soon as i get air filter fitted which should be next week. finally got the blowoff installed along with the pieces that bolt on to the turbos to allow air filters to be clamped on.
  20. no actually now that i look at the pics again the 2 hubs are on the s30 spindle. i have teh z31 wheels on which have 5.5 inch backspacing and they just bearing clear teh struts ..... i tried a set of 4 lug wheels with a similar offset with similar results.. they just bearly clear the struts. so im thinking the offset are about the same between the z31 and s30. i may be wrong. what is the concern here really? if the wheel base changes you can fix it with wheel offset. right?
  21. i have the brakes on and i take them off to measure them i will have to bleed them... sorry but whenever i take them apart again i will measure them. if your really interested all youd have to do is go to a junkyard and measure it on a z31. 1988 to be exact.
  22. well since knowone has said anythig about it yet... the rb26 is good for 600+ with bolt ons. ie turbo , fuel system, ect ect . anything above that pistons, rods, cams and a head gasket are in order and will get you in teh 700 range anything above that youll need more extensive bottem end work along with head work but will still be streetable car on pump gas!!!!!
  23. you will also have to knotch the z frame to clear the axles. from the swap ive seen on paper the axles are almost perfectly aligned once the stock diff/ oil pan clears the front frame member. If i were to do i would also use most of the gtr front frame member. i would think sectioning the gtr front framemember making it narrower and even using the stock gtr struts would be the way to go. there is enough length in the tie rods you could just shorten the rods and use the gtr rack with the power sterring. here is my idea for the rear. install the rear diff like a r230 mod make custom shorter gtr axles and do a mod kinda like i did with my z31 rear where you machine the s30 struts to except bearings for the gtr axles and use the hubs and brakes and everything ;> but this is just me dreamin
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