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Everything posted by stony

  1. Mine arnt cut up as high as yours are, although i did want them that high, the body guy screwed me over. anyways you get the idea.
  2. The part you have bent over and rivited usually gets cut of and then welded to the 1/4. Smoothed out and bonded then painted. i will see if i have any pics of mine around. i guess withthe fenders you are using the way you did it works.
  3. see this thread last page for the list of stuff rick is getting rid of. Lots of goodies :> http://www.zeroyon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12303&st=100
  4. If your interested i know a guy selling a balanced r33 crank.
  5. I didnt relize there was a members projects area. I will be posting pics here soon of where mine is at. here is what is done so far.
  6. Ok EDIT: OVERSEAS!!!! Just wondering if someone stole or copied and is now selling in japan or is it modern motorsports? I was just curious
  7. carbide blade and files. Its time consuming but in my opinion if you can use the cast pan use it. it adds strength to the motor.
  8. Cut it off and weld up the axle holes
  9. If you want the plenum make me an offer. everything has a price tag :>
  10. Sorry guys if you wanna comment on this thread go to the thread in question..... nothing really good outta this one.
  11. Ok i got it now :> I cant do one of those it came with the engine i bought. the stock intake with a single throttle body flange welded on is just as good as the one i have.
  12. 500.00!!!! Just kidding.. i dont know. you talking just drillng holes and tapping? I dont have an extra manifold right now. It's pretty simple to do with a drill press a pretty easy DIY job but if i did it to sell it takes about 2 hours to do the entire job. so IF i wanted to do another to sell maybe 75 bux plus parts.
  13. I,m pretty sure this is the car but i cant find the pics of the engine compartment :<
  14. There was a really good pic on someones websight of what is being refferred to by the radiator sealing. John coffee maybe....???? It was a white road race car
  15. I think it might have something to do with some engines may sit for a while and get corroded inside the starter. just speculation.
  16. With those prices RC Eng will go under unless they adjust their prices. thats awesome!!!! They even provide just flow checking for 8 bux a injector
  17. Ok people, here's the deal. I considered this thread to be good enough to cut out all the BS and reopen it. If you had a post deleted it was deleted for one of 2 reasons. I broke the rules of hybridz or it was in response to a post that broke the rules and had no bearing on the thread. SO.... Keep it on topic. If someone/anyone wants to post progress on a project and chooses not to divulge every specific piece of info on how he or she did it that's their choice and should not result in what happened in this thread. If in the future individuals that had issues in this thread,( you know who you are) have issues again you can count on being banned for a bit maybe forever depending on the level of rule breakage that occurs.
  18. Hmmmmm AZC bumpsteer spacer in japan too??? http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n45512940 I wonder who hotstaff244 is
  19. Came across these on japan yahoo auctions. http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n51104182
  20. Pics???? I have a late modle 260/280. I ordered 240 fiberglass bumpers a while ago and installed them. When i did i discovered that they where about 2 inches too narrow. I actually had to cut it in half directly in the middle and add an inch to each side. It might have been a manufacture flaw but there you have it. maybe you have a bumper off a different car??????
  21. I replied to your rbz32.com post but i may be able to help. but getting it there by this weekend may be an issue since im in alaska. BUT i was thinking..... a started is a starter and im thinking you could go to one of those places that rebuilds them and since its nissan... I bet you any part on it they need to replace they would be able to order from nissan... just a guess though.
  22. here's another bidding service http://www.rinkya.com/
  23. http://www.mailorderjapan.com/yahoo-auction-japan/index.php I think you can bid thru these guys not sure never tried it. There are online services that can bid on yahoo japan for you just gotta be willing to pay there fees
  24. heres one for 60 bux http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/101403037
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