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Everything posted by (goldfish)

  1. Kant twist style clamps are good for quick small holes
  2. The vents in stock location are for low speed/ idle venting of heat from the engine compartment. The "turbo" vent pulls air in to cool the turbo location when the car is moving. For venting under hood pressures, I'd use the fender vent idea as to avoid the high pressure from the windshield. But the high pressure under the hood is mainly from the firewall. I would assume vents closer to it would work better.
  3. The 81 external and 82-83 internal CAS are turbo only. The N/A's different.
  4. At least in MN is the keys are in the car, you can't be charged for GTA. at least that was my understanding :shrug:
  5. It's a nice car. The market is real tough here in MN. Why are you selling?
  6. Some of us in minneapolis. Zcarchat.com
  7. Good to hear. Maybe I'll get around to using it here soon. Glad I could help.
  8. Maximum PC recommends http://www.doubletwist.com http://www.maximumpc.com/article/maximum_pcs_sixth_annual_softy_awards?page=0%2C2 I've down loaded it but have yet to test it out.
  9. What's the fascination with 5000rpms?
  10. Some times the damper ring with the timing mark can slip. Try looking down the spark plug hole or stick something down it too.
  11. What did the plugs look like, Pictures? Pop the valve cover and check the lash.
  12. I would guess that they are describing gravity like a you would a vacuum. Air does not get "Sucked" in to a lower pressure area. It gets Pushed from a Higher pressure area.
  13. POR-15 is Durable from what I hear. I have also been told it does not hold up to UV, and would need some form of top coat. BTW, it also comes in silver. The sheet metal should hold up fine as the oven only get to around 400 F
  14. As with ANY tool, inspect what you buy before hand. I don't care who's name is stamped on it, I check it out before plunking down the cash if I care if it lasts.
  15. One class, ouch. How hard to finish it? Maybe school loans to living on for that time? Can't help much otherwise. I'm looking for a full time job helpdesking or such. Good luck.
  16. http://www.use-enco.com/CGI/INSRHM I'm not sure where they are made, but my dad's is basically 3/4 bridgeport and has held up very well so far. 10+ yrs.
  17. The S130 hatch locks are pretty light duty IMO. The parts looked pretty flimsy to me when the lock smith around here took mine apart to fix. Luckly they aren't hard to take out, kind of a pain to put back in.
  18. None. any Backpressure is evil.
  19. At least it has a reasonable price on it now. Didn't they try for 10k at one point?
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