I agree that most accidents are your own fault, such as when i wrecked the ZX, i was being really stupid, and i had to turn around, so i pulled into my schools parking lot to turn around, and GUNNED it, not smart, it was rainy, and the ZX isn't the best handleing car out there, well, i went sideways at about 70mph only to hit a curb, got out and there wasn't a scratch on the car, drove away, then 500 ft later, the wheel fell off-I will tell you sumthin, THAT WAS STUPID, end of story.
But i was told by Mike and Jim when i was at the shindig, DO NOT STREET RACE. If you want to race, take it to the track, its safe, and legal. I have yet to goto the track, but as soon as a get a chance, u can bet you'll see me there all the time.