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Everything posted by buZy

  1. Great update! Switching to a stick really brings these cars to life!
  2. Reguardless of the new design....the weight needs to come back down. This is what was thoughly developed in the original Z. Unfortunatly building a OEM lightweight Z, well those days are over now. Add all the power you want but it will never ever replace the movement response of a lightweight chassis. Period. Someone needs to light up Nissan marketing and tell them take a chance. The 350 and 370 not much change. Just another Tylenol car.
  3. So I had dinner with a good friend and his wife and her single girlfriend last night. Her friend who's name I won't mention was all over me, hotter than hell, great career, no kids etc. I'm like yes! Finally! A Real woman! We are outdoors, barbeque, fire on great spring night having fun. My friends like take her for a ride in the Z. She's like yes, let's go, I love your car. Off we go. Ok guys a hottie in your Z you gotta be queer or something if you don't slam her back in the seat with some rpms. 1st 2nd 3rd, a bit of cabin smoke, country roads no traffic low speeds totally safe etc. No big deal right. Hell I didnt even fully drop the hammer. She flips out! Starts yelling calling me dangerous, a baby killer and how is this car should not be legal. Being the gentleman I refrain from comment, turn right around and idle back to the party. Later i'm like whats her deal man? My buddy just laughed and said told you she was nuts. Yea her loss but i'm bummed maybe I scared her ruined it but on the other hand I found out right away her true colors. Classic beotch.
  4. Great lines in the photogragh. How much weight is that S130 top supporting? Very impressive.
  5. I would be VERY pissed off! Have faith, you can fix'er good as new.
  6. I should have known. Just goes to show hollywood film people are effen idiots and how fake movies really are, and how they protray life as reality. It makes me sick, don't get me started. You guys did sacrifice your cars for all us z people and thank you for that, but the movies they make are not worthy of such high class offerings. On a positive note: If the Z endes up with fair amount of film time I am willling to bet the price starts going up as all the ricers are going to have a retro bandwangon revival.
  7. When you said ran into you were not kidding! Glad to see it was not da Z!
  8. The gas in your Z is no issue if your a not a daily driver. But everything else you buy for it, and buy to work on it, and the food you need to eat to work on it, is going or will be more expensive.
  9. Seriously! Nice work! The front end kills it. Push your design further....... More high classy, Jap/Ital. More shark attack, More paint down low. Black plastic appearance surfaces suck and less euro boxy blah. Though I have to confess it's better the the current 350z. You asked. (oh no i didn't)
  10. Aziza z! On movie tv!? Dayyyaaam! WAY KILLER GIG and WAY KILLER RIDE! Oscar Status! Nice~ Brian
  11. Is it Big Phil who's running 25lbs on the same spool?
  12. 5 years later. To me the biggest part of the total package. Vibration free driveshaft and halfshafts. The rest of the car is a work in progess.
  13. Daaaaaayyyyyyymmmmm! I want one too.
  14. Thanks Everyone! I would have not made this far without all your help. Xander- Summit racing 12 gal street fuel cell. http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=SUM%2D290112&N=700+115&autoview=sku SteelToad- Once and go for it lol! Mayolives- Reinforcement and safety.
  15. "The Fitch Fuel Catalyst will boost octane in gasoline," Not that octane defines the total energy available in fuel but..How can it do that? Interesting.. Riddles. lol.
  16. Oppss! Sorry guys! After further review I deleted the vid. Not a good idea to show my dmv tag to the world. To many car jacking theives out there. Next time I will get it right.
  17. Griffin rad here. iso mounted.
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