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Everything posted by tfreer85

  1. Man what a sissy turbo i be you can only suck pidgeons in with that..... Can't wait to see what it runs, good job stony. Tyson
  2. I work as a Kern County / Bakersfield Fire Department 911 Medical and Emergency Dispatcher. Its a harder job than I expected when I first walked in, and it has very little emotional rewards (CPR saves are maybe 2 an ENTIRE year, for a LARGE county). Needless to say, i'm looking for a Secondary income that could soon become a primary income and allow me to keep a shred of sanity. Tyson
  3. tfreer85


    Search for Z-gad and 2JZ he's running sub-10's with his setup. Search for Cyrus , he has a long thread following his swap. Best of luck, Tyson
  4. Borg Warner T-5. Borg Warner 5 spd Transmission. Tyson
  5. Looking good, I like the low shine blacks for some reason. And polished would have been a massive PITA to keep clean. Tyson
  6. Grossman has been the weakest link of the bears offense all year, I know they're trying to let him "grow" into being a better QB, but I wasn't happy with his playing all season. I love Payton even though I was rooting for the bears (old school bears fan), I knew that Grossman turn-overs would decide the game. I wouldn't necessarily say they have no offense, their running has done well for most of the season they just don't have a good passing game to compliment it. Congrats to Manning though, glad he finally got a ring. Tyson
  7. http://www.darius240z.com one of the most famous 240z's ever. also use the search function for Darius. Also, to my knowledge NO one is mass producing Chrysler block mounts Big or Small block, so you'll have to do a one off setup. Best of luck and use the search function. Tyson
  8. You can make it smog legal, there is a guy in stockon like Sparks was saying that is smog legal, he was at MSA this past year. It can be done, it'll just take a little more work than the pre-75 setups. Things like cats, CARB certified parts, it is possible though. Maybe someone like TonyD can chime in getting it smogged. Tyson
  9. What is your asking price? Thanks, Tyson
  10. I totally agree with you, we've (my parents, bro's, etc.) have owned around 5 dells, each one has issues like you've said before. I've never had any issues with any of my Macs (I have 3, my oldest brother 2) and neither one has any hiccups that weren't either easily or super readily fixed. Glad I was able to help, I try to scan "www.macrumors.com" and "www.123macminis.com" as much as possible. Tyson
  11. Okay well I got around to it tonight. Go to "system preferences" , then "Desktop & Screensaver", click the Screensaver tab, scroll down to "Choose Folder" and select the folder that you have your pictures in. The only problem is, if you have a folder in a folder (i.e. Cars Folder then a "Z-cars Folder") it will only show the pictures from the original "Cars Folder" and none from the "Z-cars Folder" (if that made any sense) Hope this helps, Tyson
  12. Greg sorry, for the late reply, I'm currently at work, however when I get a chance tomorrow, I will write up something or figure it out for you, go mac Power . I love my mac mini (currently running through a 32" LCD), how do you like the G5? I have a G4 15" as well, but gave it to my parents. Friend of mine just sold his G5 and is kicking himself for it. Tyson
  13. "t" = first name Tyson "freer" = last name Freer... "85" = the year I was born. Pretty simple, and I use it on everyboard that I've ever joined. Allows you to go from one board to the next and have people recognize it. Though I have become found of "LSX_S30" because I'm building an LS1 powered S30.. Tyson
  14. Was just curious if anyone has any experience with the shuttle PC or another small form PC. I'm looking for super compact (comparable in size to my mac mini) PC for doing gaming and a media center to run through my TV. I was been doing some reading on HTPC's and I think they are a little large and completely necessary for my goals. The shuttle, seems like a good starting point, its compact allows me to cannabalize a previous/older computer, and add/upgrade the things that i need to what I want them to be at. However, I don't have much experience with building PC's and am looking for some input on what people thing i should do. I'm trying to keep costs down, no major purchases over $300 to get things rolling, then I can build/order parts progressively. Thanks for any input, Tyson *EDIT* Heres what I'm looking at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FOX0DK/ref=wl_itt_dp/104-8079228-6248723?ie=UTF8&coliid=I273TI8KXI33JL&colid=KM1UH8KHWOVS
  15. OTM, I'm the same boat as you. I work A LOT, with a decent paying job $35ish-k a year without overtime (lots of overtime 30hrs last week). One of the things I've been looking for has been property, not to immediately build on or immediately move onto. The reason being, I live in CA for the most part the real estate constantly is going up or at least will hold its value. For my city, we're expanding at an exponential rate, which means the smaller cities real estate around me is increasing. I'm looking at property appx. 1 acre in small city appx. 20 min from my current house with my rents. The space between this city and my current city has been bought out and has HUGE housing tracts and development going on it. What is the benefit of this, by the time I'm ready to get out of my parents house or have enough to build, the property will be worth a lot more and will be great for a resale (then down payment) or for a build. If you're not really looking to build or move right away, sitting on property will be great for giving you a tax break (huge for me since i get raped on taxes) and it gives you something to show for your money rather than large bank roll. Just my $.02, Tyson
  16. Honestly that cat is making me laugh, I've got many a little commentary of whats going through its mind. Also sorry man that does suck pretty damn bad. Was it your bros car? Back to thread: I got a: 32" Vizio LCD TV peerless LCD TV mount HDTV Hookup Kit Toshiba HDMI DVD player 2 "The Killers" CD's 1 "Muse" CD Classic cars of the 70's Lots of Gift Cards, Clothes, An English Dark Beer Pint A Fire Department Drink/Bar Set Some Quad Glasses And I got to spend time with my family after telling a Dad how to give CPR to his 7yr old Daughter. Tyson Also, going out and buying my chirtmas gift to myself. A Yamaha HTR-5930SL 550W 5.1 Surround Sound Reciever for my room.
  17. Very Nice setup!!!! I must ask where are you getting your G-noses' from? Most people don't usually have 2 . Again very cool, Tyson
  18. So what I'm curious, is how did you like the way it sprayed and layed down? Fairly simple or complex? Thanks,
  19. Well even though you seem like you've got it figured out jmortensen, I'll offer my .02 cents. Do not use the AM/FM transmitters, they SUCK for good sound quality. I used an iGriffin for about a year with my iPod and it drove me nuts. What you can look for is a CD head unit with the red and white analog input, then run a simple cord from there into your iPod or MP3 player's head phone jack. I did that with mine a couple of years ago and am pleased with the results. I have a 95 Chevy crew cab, with dual 10" audiobahn's in the back, as well as new tweeters, and new door panel speakers. While sound quality is nice, my biggest complaint with this is the rear speaker panels are notoriously known for SHAKE, VIBRATE, and BREAK since they are made from plastic. While, you may not have a problem or as big of a problem with the Bazooka, its something you might look into insulating that area when you replace speakers. One more thing, an 8 meg MP3 player will not hold very many songs at all, maybe 5. An 8 gig would be different and could hold a decent amount of soungs. I personally am a fan of the iPod's they've been around and have most of their bugs worked out, but also because I'm a Mac user. You might look into a Zune, or getting a used color screen iPod from apple.com . Just some thoughts, Tyson
  20. How extensive is the damage? And do you have any pics? If its some simple fix might be intereted in the whole thing. Just an idea... Tyson
  21. Unfortunately, I don't think we have. I had thought about it extensively and the cost of all the custom little modifications you'd have to do go through. Its definitely plausible IMO, check out these guys. Lots of good general info on doing such swaps. http://www.chrfab.com/index.htm Hope that helps, Tyson
  22. Greg what type of Mac are you using? If you have any of the OS X operating systems you can basically take the pictures of Z cars you want and make them into your own Screen saver. If you do have OS X I can give you instructions on how to do it. Tyson
  23. Sweetness to you and JTaylor you'll be getting a friend invite from LSX S30 . I'm a junkie.....
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