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Kevin Shasteen

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Everything posted by Kevin Shasteen

  1. I'll agree w/the sensation of "Non-Responsiveness from an automatic. I've only had two cars w/auto's all the rest have been standards. Maybe its just something you have to enjoy (Personal Preferance!) but other than the exception of Stop-n-Go Rush Hour....I will always prefer a standard; even if it is raining/I've never had problems in the rain/snow or ice. Ahhh, the age old argument Auto -vs- Standard; it really is a personal choice & neither should be ruled out until you have tried both. Until you have tried both you will never know which you prefer! Auto -vs- Standard makes for some friendly discusions but can only be decided by what purpose the car is going to be driven & the personal abilities/preferances of the driver. There is no right or wrong. Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  2. You know its funny this thread keeps coming back at me. There's a story, for me at least, behind the JTR oil pressure/fuel pump switch set up. Two, almost three years ago when I first obtained the JTR manual....I knew at that time that one day I would eventually have a V8Z. My college car was a stock Z & I could imagine what it'd be like w/a V8. So to commemorate the "Ground Breaking," during my lunch hour at work, I went to the nearest Chrysler Dealer & purchased the switch pt#0418653 & after work went to Autozone & purchased the brass fittings....just so I could "FEEL" like I've made a commitment in the right direction. I gave up on the conversion as I could tell the JTR manual was not entirely complete and GM decided it didnt need a Dallas Office (Closing/Layoff) kind of left me financially budgeted (Strapped). I still have the switch & fittings & still plan on doing the conversion.......someday/when my budget allows. So I guess you could say I havent officially began my project but I have "Technically" begun my project by having had purchased the switch & fittings. I may still only be an Inliner...but I'm gonna be a V8Z someday! Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner) PS: What an Inspirational story...quick/GROUP HUG! [This message has been edited by Kevin Shasteen (edited March 16, 2001).]
  3. This is my .02c's; it really is a personal choice. I personally enjoy shifting gears & when driving my bro's Mitsu VR4 & shifting into 6spd on a roadtrip while watching those rpm's drop substantially......is just too cool! There is nothing like the feeling of shifting gears on a winding road in a sportscar. However, I literally "HATE" getting stuck in rush hour stop-n-go traffic w/a standard trans. If you're looking for a 200, 700 to match that 383 just make sure they have been rebuilt with performance in mind. A stock 200 or 700 cant keep up w/the torque of a performance engine forever before it begins slipping. To beef up a 200/700 to match a stock T-56 is gonna cost you w/the 200 being a less likely candidate for an all out street/strip machine: unless you are edumacated in the rebuilding of Auto Transmissions then you can do the work yourself. That's my .02c's worth. Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner) [This message has been edited by Kevin Shasteen (edited March 16, 2001).]
  4. Glad to hear Rick; let us know how the rest of the bearings look. Ray...that's interesting info/thanks! Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  5. quote: Originally posted by idealz: ....I simply can't believe that with all of the systems on the market, there isn't one that blends all of the good stuff into one package: multiple auxiliary outputs, crank-trigger, coil packs, datalogging and laptop interface WITH hand controller, (insert your favorite function here), etc. Truth is, if I could find that imaginary system, I would pretty much pay any half-way decent price to get it...Craig Craig, Sounds like your ship has come in (theoretically)...all you have to do is invent that "Imaginary System" & the World will be your Oyster! If you're wanting that kind of a system imagine there are probably millions of individuals out there thinking the same thing. I know you cant just wave a magic wand & presto....but any invention begins w/a need....or just an idea! Necessity is the Mother of Invention! Now, where did I put my magic wand? Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  6. quote: Originally posted by FAIRLADY 327: ...getting kind of tired of goin 75 at 2300 in fourth. I wish I were doing 2300rpm's at 75. I think I must be the only 78z running a stock 4spd. I've alwasys read in the manuals that 4spds were still used up to 78 but never found one......till I found my Z; I was excited about my car, being so bone stock/unbutchered and all; till I discovered it was a 4spd & not a 5spd; Ugh! I too need a T-56; can a T-56 be used behind the inline6? Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  7. Adjustable Rods/Arms!...I'm definately interested/when the budget allows! I'll probably be able to afford them about the time you finish the rears; so for me-take your time. Craig...what do you mean by "Grow Up"....never, never I'll never grow Up; You cant make me...I'm not Listening: BLA BLA BLA (I have my fingers in my ears now) BLA BLA: I cant hear you! Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  8. quote: Originally posted by Andrew Bayley: ...causing slight leakage (is that even a word)....Andy Andy, I believe the word is derived from Latin & its correct term is: "Extremous Fluidous Leakous!" (FYI-always trying to help). Kevin, (Yes,Still a Inliner)
  9. Mike, Maybe its just me...but I couldnt see the arms very well. I'm computer illiterate...can I adjust the contrast of those pictures on my end; or maybe can we get some pictures w/the control arms & TC Rods w/better lighting? I know you/others have been working hard on those arms, however, I came on to the HybridZ site after you began that project...can you let me in on the upgrades your Arms/TC-Rods offer; thanks. BTW: you weren't kidding when you said you had your car "Apart"! Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  10. Just remember.....Its hard for someone to Hit a Moving Target...Dont ever stop-just keep moving...you know-like a shark! Seriously, I agree-I dont like the thin doors either! Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  11. 1.3 Grand on machine work....sounds like you've got a very tightly machined low tolerance packaged set up your running! Congrats on reaching this point of the conversion. I CAN HARDLY WAIT TILL I FIRE IT UP! Oh wait, this isnt my engine is it(?) Darn it! What cyl.heads & trans are you going with? Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  12. Hey, that looks really nice; appears someone has had a lot of elbo grease put into that engine. Again; looks good! Kevin, (Yes,Still an inliner)
  13. Sean, I cant answer the "Electric Speedo" question for ya; but I can help you w/the effects of a tire change. If you are increasing in tire diameter (Larger Tire) then you can calculate the effect w/this formula: Actual MPH = New Tire Diameter/Old Tire Diameter x Indicated Speed *The Actual MPH is the mph you're doing after the tire change *Indicated Speed is the speed your doing prior to the tire change (pick any speed) *The forward slash represents "Divide" so you will divide the New Tire Diameter into the Old Tire Diameter...once you have that answer you will multiply that by your Indicated Speed. Once you know the difference in Speed you can then make changes to the Drive/Driven Worm Gears in the Trans to correct for the MPH difference caused by the change in Tires. Hope that Helps. Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  14. That would look nice; especially the Iroc rims that were color matched to the paint of the cars.....Hmmm(?). Anyone know the answer to that question...what is the lug spacing on the mid 80's to early 90's Iroc's. What does the 5-lug spacing measure that everyone here is converting to? Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  15. Guys, I appreciate that info as I too have wondered what size Wheel/Tire I could run w/out suspension mod's. Thanks. Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  16. Congrats Mike; we are all anxiously awaiting the completion of your Mod's (we all want you to hit that 200mph mark). BTW; when you are attempting the 200mph mark...do you need a CO-Pilot? It just so happens I'll be available when you do; whenever it is you're running! Get those pictures ASAP. Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  17. quote: Originally posted by zfan: Kevin and Rick B, I have 235/60/15's on centerlines. RickB you have seen my purple z it's a 71. No flares needed. Just thought I would let you know. Mike Mike, What size rim are you using; 4 lug or 5 lug? Have you done any suspension mod's to the struts? Curious I am as I would definately like to go to a larger tire but wasnt sure as I'm not a body man...didnt really want to go to flares just yet! Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  18. Rick, I wanted to mention/suggest you watch your "Mean Piston Speed". If I remember correctly you mentioned your engine was basically a stock engine; exceptions being your Intake/Carb & the Nitrous(?); correct! Take into mind the differences in Mean Piston Speed: Calculated @ Feet Per Minute (FPM) 1) Early Flatheads...no more than 2500fpm 2) Early V8's........no more than 3000fpm Current Eng's-With Advances in Metalurgy 1) Cast Crank/Pistons...no more than 3500fpm 2) Forged Crank/Pistons & Heavy Duty Rods..no more than 3800/4000fpm 3) All out Kenny Bernstein Race Car...5000/6000 if only ran at a few sec's You can figure Mean Piston Speed w/this formula: Piston Speed in FPM = Stroke Inches x RPM/6 That put your death noll run of 110.8mph/5788rpm's @ 3357fpm...definately inching up on its maximum. Combine that w/the higher stress of Nitrous & having ran quite a few runs down the 1/4traps & your stock set up probably ran its course! Time to Upgrade buddy! Good Luck & Have Fun. Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  19. Rick, Sorry I didnt see this earlier Rick, the weekend, Monday & Tuesday were rather busy for me. The formula Austringer gave is the same I use. RPM = MPH x Gear Ratio x 336 (Divided) by Tire Diameter. Your Tire Diameter came to 22.8" tall; that gave me 5788rpm's you were making when you clipped the 1/4 traps. For those of you whose Tach's work but not your Speedo's you can use this formula: MPH = RPM x Tire Diameter/Gear Ratio x 336 There is also a formula for those who are thinking of changing their tire sizes & are interested in knowing what effect the new size would make. This formula is: Actual MPH = New Tire Diameter/Old Tire Diameter x Indicated MPH Lets say Rick wanted to go to (Which I know he does as he told me so) a 215/60/14. First you have to get the Tire Diameter in Inches...this comes to a 23.3" Tire. Taking the Formula for "Tire Diameter Change" into mind, that would be: Actual MPH = 23.3/22.8 x 110.8 The answer is 113.2 Actual MPH. So Rick, that tire change would give you a 113.2 mph instead of the 110.8 mph. If you want to know what RPM you'ld be at w/the new tire size doing 110.8; simply work the RPM formula....I came up w/5664rpm's. Earlier you ran 5788 & w/the new tire size at 110.8 your rpm's are now at 5664; only an RPM difference of 124. Not very much! Consider going up to a 15" in tire size for racing? Lets say something mild...a 235/60/15 (May need Wheel Flares?); anyway that comes to a Diameter of 26.1" Run the formula for RPM's at your 110.8 speed & your RPM's now change to 5056rpm's; I'ld say w/the 26.1" tires you are now more in your Cam's Peak Power Range & should give you a better/safer 1/4 trap speed! Now, if you end up going thru your engine, due to your most untimely Knock, & beef up the engine w/new cam, forged pistons...and maybe alluminum cyl.heads....your peak power range will change & we'll have to play w/the formulas again. Isnt it fun playing w/these #'s & it doesnt cost anything: its free? Any other questions...let us know. Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner) PS: For those of you who are interested; we can take these formulas one step further. If you want to know what Gear Ratio's you need for the 1/4 trap (Overall gear Ratio-that is) you can use this formula: Overall Gear Ratio = Tire Diameter/340 x RPM/MPH [This message has been edited by Kevin Shasteen (edited March 14, 2001).]
  20. Cylinder Heads are where the free power lays. Granted you may have to spend a little at first. Your intake runners will determine where your peak power comes in but you wont be able to maximize your cam/intake/exhuast/carb if you cyl.heads are not flowing properly! Tighten your budget & if you can-go for the better heads....you'll be glad you did! Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  21. Dont be frustrated! Both of you have already completed the hardest part...that being the conversion. Now all that is left is....the gremlins. Everyone has to shake the gremlins out & tighten this; change that after a major build. A conversion is no different. I'm sure he/you will figure it out or someone in your area will also assist. Go over your wiring schematic of the Stock wiring & recheck your wires you cut/spliced into while doing the conversion. Dont get in a hurry; take your time & you may have to rechech your rechecks but you will figure it out & when you do...both of you will look at each other & say, "Is that all that was wrong?" Believe me, the problem is right there probably staring you in the face. Once you've figured it out then you can address the next hurdle. Dont get frustrated....we're all on a learning curve. Once you do figure it out-let us know; everyone of us here appreciates learning from someone else's "Adventure" in the automotive world. Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  22. Hey Sean, I cant find anything on the numbers "220" you gave either. Are you sure you're not confusing the "220" as the Intake Airflow & the "160" being the Exhuast Airflow as these numbers sound proper for a set of reworked cyl.heads. As stated previously the higher CC'd combustion chamber of the heads you're thinking about would hurt your compression & HP. If those heads have been reworked & are producing the 220/160cc's this would be good...except for the lower CC Combustion Chambers; In other words: .....the Reworked Heads you're thinking about 220/160cc's help Airflow; however, the lower CC'd Combustion Chamber 72cc "HURT" your Airflow........ It's a give & take & I think the way your engine is set up (Cam & Intake)....these cyl.heads are taking more than they would be giving! Sorry to hear your heads are cracked. However, Since we are walking this path-have you considered saving your money & buying aftermarket Alluminum Heads(?). If this is not your daily driver...let it sit till you can afford the alluminum heads; you just plopped down the money for a T-56. The T-56 & the newly installed alluminum heads would make your car go, go, gooooo! Anyway; if you're not ready for alluminum cyl.heads then confirm those cyl.head casting #'s your machine shop is giving you-come back to us for reassurance. Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  23. Oh man....Rick, Rick.....Rick(?) I'm really sorry to hear you're having trouble. I'm only gone for a few days & come back to hear you're having rod knocks. Everybody; I met Rick & witnessed him/his car in action Friday night; Nice guy & a very clean sleaper of a Z. Rick; if you dont mind....(I know you're having prob's but I'm still gonna brag for you). Everyone (I know the run he probably rev'd too hard on) Rick was up against a 'fully unstreetable' & Trailored mid 60's Stepside Chevy that had been tubed; It's front end lifted on every run it made prior to going up against Rick. It sounded pretty bad & had ran some good runs prior to staging next to Rick. I dont think Rick had used the Nitrous up to that moment & still ran low 13's (13.1 & 13.2's). My buddy & I were hoping Rick could catch/pass him w/nitrous. Well Rick did catch him but didnt pass him. The Chevy let up at the end & still managed mid 11's (it was a fast truck). Still an exciting race. It literally looked like Rick was about to pass him. Rick, Really So...SO Sorry to hear you're having prob's & hope it turns out its just an "IGNITION" problem & dont actually have a rod knock(?)! Kevin, (Yes,Still an Inliner)
  24. quote: Originally posted by Ray: Congrats so when are we putting the LT1 into the Z in your garage!!! Better bolt down the Alluminum-ware; I'm not sure any of the Hi/Po stuff is safe w/any of us around! Kevin (Yes,Still a lowly Inliner)
  25. quote: Originally posted by oldzdog: ....the village idiot! Larry Okay, now you're getting personal; Lets leave my family out of this! Kevin, (Yes,Still a lowly Inliner)
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