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Brilliant, part II: The drift


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I was particularly impressed with the level of synchronisation between the black skyline and the black turbo II RX-7 when they both spun out at exactly the same time, and corrected almost exactly the same way. That's something they don't teach you in the manga...On a side note the person in the white MR2 is a stud, those cars are tail happy in the dry and he was about the only one to not totally eat it on that corner.

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Haha, true.


There definitely is a difference between wet roads, and a river.


Corrected :lol:


Wow, some of those guys are just stupid imo. Obviously their skills weren't up to the challenge, so why risk your car trying to prove something? Most of them were just going absurdly too fast for that corner. Long downhill (looking) straight on a progressive radius bend, and most of then lost it before ever getting to the corner trying to get sideways early...


That guy at around 1:45 is the smartest of the lot if you ask me. He knew he was going to fast and just applied the brakes and kept it straight... saved the car.

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That guy at around 1:45 is the smartest of the lot if you ask me. He knew he was going to fast and just applied the brakes and kept it straight... saved the car.

Not so sure on this one. Look at his wheels. I think he was the extreme newbie who didn't yet realize that a car doesn't turn when the front tires are locked.


I'm with z_cars_rule, if somebody gave me one of those cars and said don't worry about crashing I think I'd have a pretty good time...

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I saw a few OLD skylines as well.

From the looks of it, they don't care if they crash, they're probably there just for the hell of it and practice a bit on cars they don't care much about. Hell, If i had a car i didn't give a damn about, and a track in pouring rain, I wouldn't mind practicing like that. I'd be quite a bit more reserved in my driving, but if I didn't care if at the end of the day the car was totaled, I'd have a ball with it.

it looks like a lot of those guys are trying to over power the car too much, going to fast etc. I saw a couple guys that did pretty well, and a few that were halfway decent, but it's funny seeing all the ones that freak out.

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