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Have To Vent...Disrespectful Kids Today..Throwing Rocks At Cars! My CAR!! :(


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Man...am I hot...driving home after a solid 12hour work day, a couple of minutes from home. I see two kids hiding behind a wall that is parallel to the street, as I drive by, I hear what sounded like a gunshot, freaked me out. I drive down the road and pull over and jump out, sure enough, they threw a sizeable rock at my car and dented the front fender pretty good.


My blood pressure and body temp peg the gauge and I pull a U-turn and the kids see me.


I left my car in the middle of the street with the hazards on, they start running, I jump the wall (an easy 5foot wall) and start chasing them up the street and shouting after them. One kid runs into a cul-de-sac and had no where to go..backed himself into a corner and I catch him (thankfully I have long legs and can still run!) and the neighbor's call the cops right away. The kid is 14 years old and he immediately starts crying and pleading with me and that if his dad finds out he will "kill him".


Two cruisers show up within 10minutes and charge the kid I caught with destruction of property. I was impressed with how the cops handled things, they came down on him and took him back to the Shop.


Apparently, the police have been receiving lots of complaints from motorists from rocks being thrown at their cars at that same location.


If the damage is estimated at over $1000 its considered a more serious felony, according to the cops.


Just my luck as...as I recently had my car completed stripped and painted :(


When I was a kid we did dumb things, but "NEVER" damaged other people's property and never got into this kind of crap. What is going on in Society and kids today!! Riddle me that?


I am pi$$ed! (and still hot).


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Kids these days, don't realize the consequences of their actions. Relying on either "If I get away with it" or "I'll get bailed out of this some how" relying on there parents or other mean. I think there are too many cases where the parents get blamed, In most cases I disagree with this, to a point. Its the parents responsibility to instill common sense into their kids, but the actions that the child does, is entirely their own. So I feel that the child should be fully responsible. This is why I wish society here didn't make spankings such a no no. Not a beating, but a mild disciplinary smack, and reasoning why after.


That said, I think you are a better man than I. I would've lost it and probably do something mildly stupid :P. In response to the kid saying, that his dad would kill him. I would of asked him why he did what he did if he knew his dad was going to kill him? Kids these days can be such idiots.

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Yasin, sorry about your car.


I had a very similar thing happen to me a few years ago. I didn't see the two kids (why is there alway's more than one?) until after I came to a stop. I didn't go after the kids... I went straight to the house, knocked, and Dad and I had a chat. Dad was very receptive and had me convinced they'd never do it again (the smoke coming out of his ears added some believability).


Fortunatly for me, there was no real damage to my car... I can't say the same about those boy's back-sides :wink:

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about 3-4 years ago my family were coming back from grandmas house in baja cali. It was around 1 or 2am driving down the toll road when all of a sudden a loud explosion I hear my mom screaming looked at the front windshield there is a hole a little bigger than a baseball. Winshield shatter glass all over our faces. We drove from baja to LA with a busted windshield. The next day we found the rock inside the truck. The rock hit the windshild then bounce off the dash hit the roof of the car, missing my dads head by about 1 foot. It was the scariest thing ever, we told the federales they said its kids throwing rocks off the hills. An they could not do anything cause they just hide in the hills at night.

So good thing you caught that kid maybe he will learn his lesson.

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Sorry to hear. We had something similar happen to us when I was maybe 5 years old. I don't know the details, but some kids on an overpass or something threw a good sized rock at our car, judging by the dent (which is still there), about the size of a tennis ball. It hit the car about a foot below the passenger rear window, where I was...


Glad you caught them.

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This kind of thing makes me feel bad about the days when my buddy and i (maybe 12-14) would take fishing rods down by the highway and cast large saltwater lures underneath passing cars (car fishing) only to have all the line rip out in about 5 seconds.Seems funny to think that back then it was amusing to think that someone was going to spend hours unraveling mono filament from there axles and brakes :icon31:...oh well lol.


And no i would never do that again!:rolleyes:

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About 18 years ago my dad had this happen to his '78 Seville, which was at the time still a fairly nice car, and had been painted recently.


He stomped on the brakes, locked them up, smoked the tires to a standstill, and peeled out in reverse to where the kids were still crapping their pants on the curb deciding if they should run or not. He jumped out and started yelling at them. They were scared out of their minds.


I forget exactly what happened. It was right in front of a school after school hours. If I recall correctly, someone across the street called the police and a cruiser showed up. The kids' parents picked them up and apologized on the spot. The damage to my dad's car was a bullseye on the windshield, which was taken out for about $15 at a local car wash which did a lot of high end detailing.


Kids often don't think about the consequences of what they're doing, they just do it. There's a thrill in doing something forbidden or dangerous(and not just for kids). Property destruction has an outlaw feel to it.


There has been a rising trend in recent years of general irresponsibility and inability to accept or ponder consequences by adults. These people are raising more adults...if you can call them that. If you can call what they're doing 'raising'...most parents work outside the home and have stuff they're busy with on the weekends, and time spent instilling good values and keeping kids responsible is minimal. It's getting exponetially worse with each generation.


'My dad will kill me!' GOOD! He fears his dad. That's a start. Work with his dad on making it right and ensuring that the proper discipline is meted out. If his dad is a jerk, continue to press the charges and see that the kid gets it from the state, since his parents are failing him. Hit him with reality now and it won't be worse later.


It SUCKS that you just got your car painted. I'd be swinging around the titanium crowbar that keeps me company.

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Glad no one was hurt. 8 years ago I was driving on a busy street doing around 40 mph and all of a sudden this water balloon comes flying in my open sun roof and nails me on the side of the head. Imagine what that felt like at that speed! Peeled around the corner, caught the little buggers, who were crapping their pants. Yelled for about 5 minutes and then let them go...probably should have called the cops, maybe they went right back to the same thing the next night, since there weren't any consequences. Good thing the kids in your situation were charged.

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if ANYONE does that to my Z, I'll make sure as hell that I get the cops involved. that kind of crap REALLY pisses me off. I can't believe the lack of respect and lack of common sense kids have these days (and i'm only 19) the WORSE I ever did as a kid, was accidentally lose a wall ball in the street and it hit a car. driver didn't notice.

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Several years ago I also had a similar incident, I was on a very long on ramp and just before reaching the freeway I saw two young boys in the bushes on the side of the ramp, my first thought was that something was wrong because of where they were but then I saw them draw back for a throw and I instinctively slammed the brakes (thank goodness know one was behind me) and I watched in what seemed like slow motion two rocks pass right in front of my windshield. Both the rocks missed and I pulled over to the side and went running after them. I never caught them but I know I put the fear of god in them as I could hear them praying out loud as they were running for god to not let me catch them. I guess the prayer worked and I hope it changed thier lives.


I am sorry to hear that there was dammage to your car but I am glad you caught the one and I hope for his sake and his buddies sake that this incident teaches them a lesson in a good way.



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I think you taught them a lesson and with the cops handling themselves the way they did they might have had that "Coming to Jesus" moment.


I would hope their parents would take it out of their ass when they got home.

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I don't understand the thrill in damaging someone's car. I guess if you're not into cars and don't care it wouldn't matter to you. In any case though throwing rocks at something that belongs to someone else isn't thrilling. There's no illegal thrill to that because it's too easy to get away with. Thankfully they didn't, but most of the time they do. I think the worst I did as a kid was throwing little sparkling firecrackers in the street. My friend and I thought it would be fun until we threw the first couple. Then it wasn't so entertaining anymore. Really boring actually. We ended up taking the rest of them apart and filling a small coffee can in the backyard. That wasn't very entertaining either though...

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