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Date in the Z


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So I had dinner with a good friend and his wife and her single girlfriend last night. Her friend who's name I won't mention was all over me, hotter than hell, great career, no kids etc. I'm like yes! Finally! A Real woman! We are outdoors, barbeque, fire on great spring night having fun. My friends like take her for a ride in the Z. She's like yes, let's go, I love your car. Off we go. Ok guys a hottie in your Z you gotta be queer or something if you don't slam her back in the seat with some rpms. 1st 2nd 3rd, a bit of cabin smoke, country roads no traffic low speeds totally safe etc. No big deal right. Hell I didnt even fully drop the hammer. She flips out! Starts yelling calling me dangerous, a baby killer and how is this car should not be legal. Being the gentleman I refrain from comment, turn right around and idle back to the party. Later i'm like whats her deal man? My buddy just laughed and said told you she was nuts. Yea her loss but i'm bummed maybe I scared her ruined it but on the other hand I found out right away her true colors. Classic beotch.

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Kind of sounds like you missed your time to go in on her in some 1v1 ride time. Did you let her know that you were going to give her a taste of the speed? If you didn't you probably caught her off guard big time and threw off the mood.


Also, 1/2 throttle on a high hp car is like full throttle on a every day commuter car. If she was that gorgeous and great, get her back in the car and pull out the suave card and be gentle.


Of course all this I just type could be irrelevant if you let her know what you were planning on doing.



P.S why a baby killer?

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last time someone started screaming while i was driving (yeah it was a female), i put my S13 into a drift in an empty parking lot, then followed it by a nice burnout.


the whole time she kept swearing, and i was like "i'm sorry i cant hear you over the exhaust!"




but yeah. when people like her complain about sports cars, a baby dies.

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My ex didnt care for my car at all. Tried to explain to her what it all meant but the only thing she cared about was shopping. Im glad Im done with her haha. The ex I had before that loved the car, she still calls me up and wants to go for rides and every other girl I have given rides to loves the car. You definitly get attention when you take off next to someone and they hear a turbo spooling when they know its an older car. I love it :)

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sounds like ya might have jumped the gun. you start the drive w/ small talk feeling her opinions out on cars in general.


if her answers come back as being good for a possible "car chick", then you bait a question about the fastest thing she's ever been in.


this lead's to the proposal of "so how does this strike you then"


and THAT is when you drop the hammer, weather and area permitting, in a fashion which produces a bit of tail swag, then brutal acceleration.


and the true masters will try to time all of this, to have that one moment of hammer down action, occur as they pass by somthing ALOT more expensive looking to sweeten the pot some.

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Yea, if she's not a real car chick then she might have had NO CLUE as to what she was getting into by "going for a ride".


Still though, even if he'd played his cards right and kept the car to 1/4 throttle she probably would have still been kinda against the car in the long run.


Better to get her exreme opinions out first. Sure like slow old car displayed, there's better ways sometimes. But I personally feel that in THIS particular case there probably wasn't much else to do. Now, if she'd really liked it instead, then you'd probably have a hard time ever getting rid of her, as she would have been perfect. And do perfect women really exist?

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LOLz. I've been in similar situations.


I remember tuning a customers car, back a few years ago when I was first getting into tuning, took the car out for a drive at night, with the GF in the passenger seat. Drove out and around making sure everything looked good, then let the hammer drop, the car definatly wasn't the quickets I had been in, but it was teh quickets she had been in with the hammer dropped. Car was swaying a little and had to corrective steer, I think that's what got her the most. She almost freaked out, and said that she'd never want to be in a car doing that again.....


Now after doing the manual tranny swap on the 240 and telling her how hard the clutch grabs, she wants to go for a ride, I think I've been able to show her that quick acceleration is fun. She also wants to learn how to drive stick. :mrgreen:

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Baby killer? Sure she wasn't knocked up before you met her? As soon as you think you've got something figured out about women, they will let you know you don't. How well did your sincere apology go over? LOL

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I’m sure you all know this, but you must recognize that men and women see things totally differently. I can rarely convince my wife of my views, but she deals with it and vice versa. Were just different people.


I think the key is realizing you can’t change anyone, male or female. If you want to be together you must accept them for who they are or move on.


To me, I think there is more positives about the girl you mentioned then negatives. It’s good to have hobbies together, but it is also great to have your own.


I still laugh at what my neighbor said to me before he moved away, “…I’d be gay if it wasn’t for the sex.”

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