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People asking about Z's while driving


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I was getting off the CA 60 a few minutes ago turning left on to Pigeon and I had a guy in a white Sentra pull up and start asking me about my Z, he also mentioned that he has a 280ZX turbo. If you're a member here, name yourself! :D


And to make this thread worthwhile for everyone: Do you ever get people asking you about your car while you're out cruising around? If so, do you make an effort to stop and talk to them and find out if they are a member here or anything?

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I've had people ask about it while stuck in beach traffic lookin' for parking. Looks on freeways, questions at drive through. and it's funny because no matter what it was it always made my ex-girlfriend mad. I've also noticed that not very many people know about hybridz I've mentioined it to a few z owners and they don't have a clue.

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Every time I drive the z, someone will take time out to tell me about the Z they used to have, how much they loved it, how much they miss it and how they wished their wife/girlfriend hadn't made them get rid of it.


As many Z cars they sold, three times that many people have owned one:).

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Parking lots, red lights, gas stations, you name it, people are always complimenting me about my z and talking to me about it. Whenever a friend is riding with me they're always amazed about how many people stop to admire my car or talk to me about it. It's one of the coolest things about this car; they're not gawking at it because it's expensive or flashy, they're gawking at it because it's just plain cool.

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I haven't driven it much on the street before I took out the engine, but one guy slowed down to my speed and asked what year, then said he had a 75 and gave a thumbs up. Then another guy was walkin by my house when I had the garage up and ws working on it and asked if I mind to have a look. Of course I said I don't mind and he walked around and told me about his 240 he had a long time ago.

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I used to make small talk at my last job (hotel), and whenever I mentioned my '72 it was almost a given that someone would chime in with a Datsun story of their own. Its my personal opinion that everyone has owned one themselves, has a brother/sister/friend/distant relative who once owned one, or always admired them from a distance. I've had a man on a bike spot me working on mine in the garage, stop to chat about them, and then offer to sell me the one he had in his backyard. I've run out of gas and had a man stop because he thought it might be his own son on the side of the road because his boy owned a Z car like mine. My personal favorite was having an early 300ZX rev its engine at me from across the other side of the intersection. I had to wave back because my horn still isn't hooked up. It was then that I felt accepted by my Z bretheren.

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It's amazing how much this happens....


I've never owned a car that got as much attention as my Datsun, not even the chopped, dropped, tubbed '71 chev pick up that I occasionally drive around gets as much, and it's all shiney, and looks complete, while my Z is rusty, and has mismatched body panels. :lol:


I have a lot of people ask me while I'm driving or at a red light what year it is. :D

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Yep, it happens all the time. It seems like every guy in the city over 50 years old has had a Z-car and wants to talk about them. There must have been like 5 billion of these cars on the road at one time. Now when a hot 20ish chick wants to talk at a stop light, THAT'S a whole new ballgame!

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..... There must have been like 5 billion of these cars on the road at one time.



When I was a kid in SoCal, there were!! They were everywhere, my Dad had one, 5 people down our street had them, like 5 of my teachers had them. I remember vividly at one of my Pop Warner football games there were like 20 of them in the parking lot.

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just yesterday around 6pm i was parking at a friends house and a older lady comes by me in a burnt orange 350z. stops in the middle of the street and starts asking me all types of questions. since i moved from stockton to oakland for these few weeks i am getting a lot of attention from all types of people.

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It's rare that I go out in my car and don't get a question or compliment. One time a dude driving by my church did a double take and had to turn around and come back just to get a closer look and ask a few questions. Oh, and the chicks totaly dig the pinkish purple paint, I hated it before I started getting such a possitive response from the ladies.:lol: Now I'm not in such a hurry to change the color. I love my Z!:D

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i find it funny, and kinda cool how many friends want to see my car done and ask to help me with it when I'm working on it.


and the compliment that put a smile on my face was when my father came to see it for the first time (before i stripped the paint), and he said "i recognize this car"...


and i said "THIS car? or THIS TYPE of car?"


and he said "no... THIS TYPE of car was the one I was going to buy... instead I bought the Fiat Spyder 850 because it was half the price".


makes you feel good when you one-up your dad. no matter how many years later. :icon44:

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On Tursday last, I was at a light when the guy next to me honked and asked if I was driving a 71 or a 72. At least he knew the difference between a Series I and others (if not the exact years). I asked HIM if he had one, to which he replied that his brother had a 72. We made other small talk as I saw in the rear-view mirror, a guy at the wheel of the car behind me was pointing at my car, and the girl in the passenger seat was pointing a camera phone at the back end of my car!!!


About a month ago, I caught up to a dime going East on 80 through Rocklin. He slowed and we both admired each other's ride. His was the same 918 orange, with a few primered spots, but overall clean. He yelled across the drones of our motors which year. When I replied, he got all excited, for his 510 was also born in 71!

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