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Enough with the large photos People


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This is getting ridiculous. Get real people, posting a picture 3024 X 2407 is just nuts. It takes forever to download a post even with DSL. Then on top of that you guys are quoting these photos. 800 X 600 is big enough. The wheels thread is a prime example. IMO, get with it or do not post photos or just go away to another site all together!

Edited by srgunz
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Easy way to resize, for those with no real image editing software is to open the picture in Windows image viewer, zoom in/out to an appropriate size and use a screen capture (hold ALT-Printscreen). You can then paste into MS paint, crop the image, and save (set to jpeg, not bitmap). Done!


The large images can be killer when your using a smartphone... :blink:

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I agree. I have even been known to be a mondo-picture poster, not intentionally though. I usually scale down my pictures to 30% of original in MS paint, easiest way to do it for me... although, it would be nice to have a max picture size to keep the uber gigantic pictures in check.

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I made a thread about this a while ago and nothing was ever done, or even said. Not a word from any admin. I'm sick of it as well.




Hey now, I said something! Reading the post, it looks like I pretty much said the same thing. In the admin's defense, I think they might still be trying to sort out other bugs in the system... to include keeping all of the spammers in check.

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Alot of picture uploading sites give you the option to resize before you upload. I'm chalking it up to some people just not being internet savvy and not knowing any better.


But yes, it's quite annoying when you're trying to make out tiny details on a picture that's small because the site resizes it, but when you click it, it effin huge. Makes me just say screw and move on.

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Hey now, I said something! Reading the post, it looks like I pretty much said the same thing. In the admin's defense, I think they might still be trying to sort out other bugs in the system... to include keeping all of the spammers in check.

Haha, yes you did, but unfortunately you're not an admin. I realize the admins are busy, but a simple "We acknowledge the problem and will look into it when we can" would have been nice.


Alot of picture uploading sites give you the option to resize before you upload. I'm chalking it up to some people just not being internet savvy and not knowing any better.


But yes, it's quite annoying when you're trying to make out tiny details on a picture that's small because the site resizes it, but when you click it, it effin huge. Makes me just say screw and move on.

And to make matters worse, since the pictures get their very own box with their own scroll bar, it makes it a pain in the butt to scroll left/right. At least if they're part of the post, you can just scroll the whole page sideways. With this system, you have to click the pic, scroll up, and if you're not where you want to be, you have to scroll back down, scroll right/left, then scroll back up and see if you're there yet... rinse and repeat. I just gave up though.
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CTRL -, 0, and + will resize the viewing area if you're using Windows. Unfortunately it resizes the text also but it's a quick way to get a look. CTRL 0 takes everything back to where you started.


Google's Picasa is free and will download from your camera and export to a smaller, predefined size. Kind of clunky but it works - http://picasa.google.com/#utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-bk&utm_medium=ha&utm_term=picasa

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yea but no small images either... man it sucks to break out one of these to see your pics..




Yea, no one wants to see a wiring diagram that you can't read! Or a picture of a project that you can't really tell what's going on in it... i.e., Craigslist size pictures... (is that a pristine original Z or a rust bucket? I think it's a Z... maybe it's a Pinto...)

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I kind of agree with the picture size :rolleyes:


The best way to resize pictures to me is to use MS Office Picture Manager from MS, it is provided with MS Office suite. You can open a picture from a folder, plot all the pictures from the directory at once with the icon below "File" as you'd do with MS Powerpoint. Then you select them all => Image/Resize

You just have to save them all afterwards (and obviously you would have saved original pictures before doing so)


Quality isn't that great but for forum purpose, it is most of the time ok.



Edited by Lazeum
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I like the notation in the title or subject line "photos: 56K forget it"


Then you know not to open it. Simple, and people can put highres photos for people who click and want a fullsize detailed image.


Just because it looks interesting doesn't mean you have to view it....


Forewarned is forearmed...

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Since the forum resizes pictures for me at least anyways, and the picture is too big to be viewed I usually just right click and open it in a new tab and it resizes to about my monitor size. I don't really mind the size of the pictures because that can be a hassle to go through a lot of pics to resize and there are ways around it but the picture quoting is getting a little old.

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I know for me I end up putting a few BIG photos up but it's because they're old photos saved on my computer that I never resized previously so when I posted them up they were gigantic. What I've started doing is just right clicking on the big photos here and selecting View Image so it would be sized automatically to the screen size and if I want to see more details on something I can just click it to make it gigantic again and scroll around to the area I want to see better.

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