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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. You have more pics. or web sites of those 2 last ones you posted, especially the ecotec powered one? It look's really well built.
  2. That is why I put a HOT at ON position on top of being hot in RUN so you can leave the key at ON while you're refueling and sutch. But,what you said is entirerly true. I wonder if some kind of timer could be wired in to keep it running for let's say 5 min. after shut down, as I don't like wiring things straight from the batt.
  3. Anything that is hot in "ON & RUN" positions.
  4. MORE POWER argh argh argh ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Post some pics once your done with you hybrid shop vac.
  5. Has anyone tried to build some kind of extention so the short nose r200 would reach the long nose drive shaft instead of having a custom shaft made?
  6. I was pretty sure I had read a post from a guy that said he tried in one of those two treads, he said that it does'nt fit. Now I went back to check and can't find anything so, I checked the tread about the OBX unit, nothing there either, I'm starting to think my mind is playing tricks on me. Weird! Anyways, if I can find the post, I'll post the link here.
  7. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=116207 http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=114798
  8. I like the way he made the tranny "tunel??? or is it an tranny overpass now???" on that wagon. I think that Opel kinda look like an "even better looking" old BMW 6 series. A funny thing, the original seats in the manta looks just like my z's http://perso.orange.fr/opelmanta/Mantaa/Berlinetta-In2.jpg
  9. Might as well, while your at it. You could also do this head for now and do the other one whenever you have to pull the other one off.
  10. From what I read in his original post, that's what he's planning
  11. Wow, now thanks to you, an old project idea just surfaced again, guess I'll know where to point my finger my the girl friend asks why there's only dust in my wallet.
  12. Mine is very, very quiet cause it sits on a shelf for now LOL
  13. Nice, thanks. I'll go check there website right now.
  14. What is a 3jz, I know 1 and 2jz but not 3?
  15. The thing is, to install helicoils you have to drill the hole bigger and tap new threads, so you have to remove the head. Good thing you don't have an OHC engine.
  16. My old Rabbit when I was in high school was this color, with pure white rims and one thin and one large white stripes going over the driver all the way to the back. That car was awesome. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I really like that too, there is a simillar color on the last year of cavaliers before they switched to the cobalt. Is's like a dark metallic olive green with some yellow accents in it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's also an Audi grey that I like, I don't know the name and I don't know if it would look right on a Z but, it's kind of a light plastic like grey with some light blue tint in it, I don't know if anybody knows wich color I'm talking about here.
  17. Well I know that they made a few "synchro" VW Bus so rear engined 4WD vw transaxles do exist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember when I was a kid, I saw, in one of my dad's kitcar mag, a kit to mate the VW tranny with a 13B engine, imagine a 13Bt in a bug, that must be interesting.
  18. Sure must feel good to get your hands on those moffos. One thing to think about though, it's easy to get carried over when you start beating someone up. One simillar story I heard, did'nt end as happily as it started. The guys are comming back from a bar in Montreal, one guy has his mutcho$ mountain bike locked in the back of his pick-up truck, when they get to there parking spot, they see a guy trying to steal the bike so, as any half drunk would have done, they started pounding away at the "POOR" guy who just picked the wrong bike to steal. They are having a good time and after a while they decide, well' I think he understood. They get in the truck and leave, leaving the bastard unconcious. Next morning, he goes to answer the door, 2 cops standing there and ask if he would minde following them. Turns out that the guy was sent to the hospital and now has to take medication so he won't loose the use of his sight + on St-Catherine St in Montreal there are some security cams and they got caught on tape. You NEVER know who's watching.
  19. That is great news, and would be priceless info. for us less. wealthy guys. Looking forward to hear back from you. keeps us posted.
  20. That mutch!? That is interesting. And is that with meth. injec. only or on top of intercooling? Is methanol hard to come by? Where do you buy this stuff ans is it expensive? Thanks for the tip.
  21. Well, istead of having the cooler in the front bumper, I would mount the rad and (a/c/intercooler) evaporator on the other side of the rad support and have the turbo blow in a pipe that would turn 90deg. right in front of the valve cover where I'd put the box with with the evap. in it then another 90deg. towards the TB, this would make a shorter intake system than with the tipical front mount intercooler.
  22. What are tose wheels on the red skyline!?!? They are simply awesome.
  23. I tought that by "distributing the torque better" you meant wich one will send torque from one wheel to the other better. So what I meant was helical will be smoother thus making it transfer torque "better". I did'nt meant that helical was better than clutch. To me, I think the clutch type makes for a bit more twitchy car on the street but as "jmortensen" said, it's a bit of a personal preference.
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