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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. What is that hood? Is it from a Mexican Z, I ask cause, I know that in Mexico they had louvered hoods on 510s so, was wondering if it was the same for the Zs?
  2. Would anyone have a MINT (I won't accept anything else) 240Z, with either an SBC or RB30det swap to give away???
  3. This may sound stupid but, that is a good question, as I kinda got lasy and just bolted the two flanges to the shaft and diff and mesured directly on the pipe while my friend holding the shaft in place. The reason I did this is because, 1 The tape mesure that we had was a piece of S*&T and we did'nt really had anything to hold the shaft still to take a good mesure. I did this in his garage on two jack stand cause he needed the car NOW. As soon as I see my friend and get access to the car, I'll try to mesure it. I'm not sure it lowered the angle though as I just extended the short nose to where the original shaft bolted to the long nose. Give me more details, maybe there something I'm not getting in what you say.
  4. Keep the Z and one day the 240sx's frame will be tired of all that power so, you'll rebuild the Z and dump the sx's drivetrain in it.
  5. Those brakes are huge for sutch a small car, I'm sure if steps on it hard, he could loose a filling or two or maybe even
  6. You guys think it would be a good upgrade for the rb25det or am I better with my stock one?
  7. Use ab accusump to prelube your engine before startup. One thing to think about is the fact that forged metal, since it's more dense, it reacts more to temp. changes. With forged pistons, when it gets "winter" cold, my engine actually sound like a diesel from the "contracted" pistons slapping around in it's boar when it heats up, it quiets down. As Mike stated, use an oil warmer and a block heater so your fluids are up to temp before you start.
  8. You can also check with a torque wrench how mutch force is needed to spin it.
  9. I don't know about full color tires but I know that Khumo (I think) had developed a tire that smokes red when you burn out, I've seen them in pics., but never for real or for sale anywhere.
  10. That was just what the pencil pushers were scared of, I don't think that it actually happened but, I remember how stupid I tought it was when I read an on that subject a few years back, the title was something like "California prohibits the sale or use of colored tires." What a good way to spend tax payer's money. I mean, if you wanted to mark your turff, would you buy a set of close to 1000$ tires or steal a bunch of rattle cans? Edit: And NO, they're no longer available due to low sale volume.
  11. I think slownrusty's shop is verry neat and tidy, let's face it, to keep a white shop this clean, WOW.
  12. Wow, that is nice. I really like the fact that this tread has started with an idea and evolved into something completely different but with the same goal in mind. Thanks Scottie and Mike for those links, very interesting info.
  13. Hun! Good point there. Maybe if he puts vents with fine mech, flat black on the tank and the mesh inserts to make it blend in?
  14. Anyone who drives that thing has balls for sure.
  15. I'm not sure building a stroker L series is going to be that cheap. There are a few testimonials about that on this site if you search a bit. Plus N/A RBs are'nt that expensive.
  16. Anybody knows about these guys? Quality?http://stores.ebay.ca/XO2RACING-COM_Turbo-Manifold_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZ7QQftidZ2QQpZ2QQtZkm
  17. Anyone???? just whant to know if the rear sump pan look close to the front sump one but inverted, just need something for mock up.
  18. Sound familliar, did you read my post, 2 before yours?
  19. Yup. left side of the car. Sorry about that, I forgot that your from down under.
  20. I finally found that Audi grey I was talking about but not an Audi. I also included the engin bay shot cause I think valve cover gives a better idea of the real color. By the way, that's an AWD RB26DETT powered S14.
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