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Everything posted by naviathan

  1. I'm not sure about a nissan gasket but I know the HKS steel head gaskets are meant to be re-usable.
  2. Congratz! Kids are great. Especially when I can send them back to their parents when they get cranky...
  3. Yeah, typically when it leaks between the MC and the BB it leaks into the BB and you end up with brake fluid in the vacuum line and intake.
  4. Ding ding ding...$100 question there. I would guess it's probably just seapage from sitting in a hot car in a junkyard. Could be old seals, check them out very very carefully before refilling them, and look for corrosion inside. If the oil level stayed low long enough the internals could be bad.
  5. I like the eyeball in the drivers headlight. Looks sweet. That's a big cowl...
  6. Hmmmm, this wouldn't happen to be a continuation of the "Any real Z Experts..." thread would it? Seems that one got deleted. Too bad some of the info in it was worth while. Glad you got your Z going strong. Congrats and enjoy!
  7. It's so rediculous. An internal combustion engine will require the same amount of fuel based on displacement, air flow and load no matter what. That chip is going to lean things out so it doesn't get the right amount of fuel possably starving the engine and causing more problems. People want the quick fix for everything and they're dumb enough to think there is one.
  8. Talked a used car dealership down from 3500 to 2k for a 83 2+2 w 94k on the clock-thats what happens when you walk in with cash in hand-getting a 83 turbo off a guy for 200- seriously contemplating an engine swap to avoid insurance costs-we'll see...
  9. They have MS programs for PC and for handhelds. You need more than just an LCD to program it. What exactly are you looking to do? With the cost of small form factor computer boards and the complete accessories built in you could easily build a small computer with LCD that would fit in the confines of the stereo compartment and possibly place a head unit in the glove box instead. Or wire the audio out of the PC to an amp and run the PC dual purpose as a MS prgrammer and audio system. Just be careful of heat. Get a good heat sink on it and keep air flowing.
  10. I don't know if I would go with a 3.90 or lower. It'll be quick off the line, but you'll be turning some RPMs on the highway. Keep it simple, the standard NA 280ZX rear is 3.54 and it's right in the middle which is great for something you're going drive often.
  11. It would make it easier to match a speedo gear to and also the R200 is a little stronger so if you plan on putting any kind of power to it it's worth it.
  12. $1000 for my 81ZX in 1997, not with me anymore unfortunately. $2000 for my 1977 Z in 2004 $2000 for my current daily driver 81ZX in 2006 $450 for my Fairlady project car in 2006 $200 for my 83ZX parts car in 2006. All well worth the money, bloody knuckles and cursing.
  13. I'm more curious about the alt on this one. Where did you get a 140A alt and how much did it cost? Details please!
  14. lol, I noticed that too. The dyno operator didn't jump he just casually looks over at the car as if to say, "All in a days work".
  15. Ok, as I was aware the governor went straight to FEMA and the federal government asking for funds because they had none. The money that was given to the state intended for disaster relief was proportioned out to different state projects. I know that in NC when a hurricane hits they almost immediately declare a national disaster area, but we also have plenty of relief funding within the state because of these incidences. I can't see the problems in New Orleans being anything more than a state problem. Once the disaster was over and FEMA had done their job the state cleanup effort should have taken over. Where is the state's effort in this?
  16. I'm utterly disgusted and disturbed by this. I really had no idea things were still in such disrepair in New Orleans. I thought steps had been taken to help the families and property down there. Where's all that damned relief money? Where's all the "Help Katrina Victims" money that was collected? Of course when all this began where's all the money the state has been given for years just for this type of situation? After the hurricane the govenor immediately went after FEMA and everything else to get money, because they blew the disaster funds on other non essential state projects. Now the people of New Orleans are suffering for it. My Aunt and her church group have constant relief work groups going down there to help every 6 months. Wish I could be apart of it.
  17. ???? What's you're problem. I don't remember anyone saying that the bolts had anything to do with boost or hp. It's just a strength issue.
  18. I didn't think an IC hose would make that much noise coming off, but lets hopes for that guys sake you're right.
  19. The diesel is old. It's been posted on every forum at least 2-3 times a year for the last three years. Not being a dick, just letting you know.
  20. Thought this was interesting. It didn't even sound like he got to full rev before it blew. Sounds like a crappy build to me... http://www.break.com/index/80_thousand_dollar_engine_blown.html
  21. Here's an idea, find another body and use what's left of that one for repair panels. Looks like the most common rust spots on that one are fine, but the less common spots are horrible. You'd almost be better off building a new car. Or building the tube frame front end as was suggested earlier.
  22. Well, my gathering for the year was a grill set, Antique leather top desk, 1950's motorola AM/FM record player (I like antiques and things that are soon to be antiques), Denim Harley Jacket, DA Sander (thanks Mom!), a knife set for the kitchen, a gift certificate to IHOP (Love that place) and most importantly a happy wife. I can't complain about anything and would have been happy with the last gift only.
  23. I know the feeling. The commercialization of the holidays kills me. My wife, being the last of four kids and everyone's little girl, is spoiled and thinks that we should buy presents for anyone and everyone. It takes a huge hit on the pocket book and I just can't get it through to her that it's not what you buy people or they buy you, it's just the people. But, we're young and she's several years younger than I and hasn't been through the things I have. She'll hopefully come around and understand as time goes on.
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