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Everything posted by 78zstyle

  1. Where i can give you positive feed back by injectors trade?

  2. Do a turbo lsx. so little cost for so much power and reliability. Would be nice to walk all over pretty much any production car out there.
  3. I have a pallnet 13mm fuel rail if you still need one. 100 shipped.
  4. I would go with the VG30et between those two. But if I wasn't going with the L series, and wanted to stay Japanese and turbo, I would go 1/2jz. Beats the crap out of both of them.
  5. You will need to obviously make mounts. If its NA you might not have an issue with the steering column, but if its turbo you will have to have custom manifolds made.
  6. I hope you have access to a welder.
  7. I just feel like spending 5500 dollars on headwork for a L series engine head is very impractical given the gains.
  8. But what if someone just runs the CNC program on your head without the other stuff?
  9. I found that buying an ebay kit of piping works if you have a saw to cut it.
  10. I have a 4.11 with a stock turbo. First gear is beyond useless. I'm going N/A. Not because of the diff. But now I don't need to change diffs, I'm a speed freak.
  11. Did that radiator bolt right in or was any modification done?
  12. I will like to say, that ever since I went to full engine control (added timing control) I like megasquirt a lot more. So much more than when I build my N/A engine its going to be megasquirted, not carb'd.
  13. For sure? No. But what I THINK is a ring, or cracked block.
  14. Yeah. I decided. At the end of this month when I can buy a DD Im going to start my new engine. F54/P90, Stage 2 Cam, Flat tops, 6-1 Headers, 2.5 Inch exhaust all ran by megasquirt. My goal is 200 Crank HP. Should move nicely with my 4.11 rear end. I'll probably sell my 2mm MLS. Other items that will come up for sale is my turbo, intercooler, bov and full exhaust. Hopefully I should come close to breaking even.
  15. Used to have the same problem. I had to apply pressure in a specific way to get it to work, and apparently only I could do it, others couldnt figure it out. Anti-theft device.
  16. ..what? all Im doing is sharing a similar experience while looking for a solution myself. lol.
  17. Recently I started to smoke really bad through my valve cover vent. Like puffs of smoke coming out like a train when you take the oil cap off. I did a compression test and 1-2 were very low. I pulled the head and saw the gasket was a bit messed up, but not blown. I replaced it with a new MLS HG and inspected the cylinder walls for any scoring (from broken ring or anything). Nothing, smooth as glass. I put the car back together and it still smokes from the valve cover, oil gets in my bay pretty bad and I think I might be getting compression into my coolant.
  18. I overheated hard yesterday after getting on it a little bit. Da faq is going on? Im starting to think something more than a ring..Like maybe a cracked block or something. If I have to take this engine out of the car, it will no longer be a turbo.
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