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Everything posted by bschiltz

  1. Max, I'd say if you have a place where you can store it for free or very little money, do that. Otherwise, sell it and when you graduate and have a job and are more settled buy a new Z and do her up right. From what I can remember about your car off the top of my head I'd say it's going to take a lot of time and money to get it to the point where it's reliable. Look around, ask your grandparents, uncles, great aunts etc. if they have space to store it without being a burden; otherwise it's not your first Z and I'm sure it won't be your last. Just my $.02 Ben
  2. I used a high-temp RVT instead of the gasket and it seems to work pretty well.
  3. Check your facts. There's no reason to get so upset over a post that's four months old anyway.
  4. Nice, I really like Buells. If only I had money... What other bikes do they have?
  5. I like it! Tonight was actually Jameson and water though. Mmm-mmm-tasty!
  6. Grumpy, what is your preferred method of checking bearing clearance on main caps and rod ends? Plasti-gauge or micrometers or something else? Plastigauge seems like it has the potential to be not all that accurate, but I've never used it. Thanks Ben
  7. I'm not feeling very creative right now, so if you have something witty to put go ahead
  8. hmmm... I just donated again the other day.
  9. Did your engine ever overheat when you were towing? If something is warped (block, heads) that might explain the over-torquing the manifold to get a good seal and the leaks.
  10. Oh holy crap! I thought you were talking about the baby in the pin stripe suit! I just now got it.
  11. The owner of extrudabody, Kevin I think, is a member here and Z owner as well. Nice guy from what I've heard.
  12. Maybe he's on a budget? Finger on the trigger was the first thing I noticed. Some people shouldn't have guns. He is one.
  13. I hope it's not like the new Cadillacs... When I turn that car on, I don't want it to return the favor :|
  14. Oh, and Doc you had me second guessing myself there for a minute! Haha I'm going to use the third set I linked to, 5cc valve reliefs and 1.565 compression height. That's what's used in the calculations above and for 10 bucks more, why not!
  15. http://kb-silvolite.com/calc.php?action=comp Cylinder Head Volume (cc) 64 Cylinder Head Vol (cubic in.) 03.904 Piston Head Volume (cc) 5 Piston Head Vol (cubic in.) 00.305 Gasket Thickness (in.) .039 Swept Volume (cubic in.) 44.389 Gasket Bore (in.) 4.125 T.D.C. Volume (cubic in.) 04.985 Cylinder Bore Diameter (in.) 4.030 Gasket Volume (cubic in.) 00.521 Deck Clearance (in.) Note: Neg. nubmer above deck, Pos. number below deck .02 Deck Volume (cubic in.) 00.255 Stroke (in.) 3.48 STATIC COMPRESSION RATIO 09.905 Look about right? That's using this head gasket http://www.summitracing.com/parts/FEL-7733PT2/Application/?prefilter=1
  16. I already have the JTR headers for the ZX and I'm pretty sure they'll work just fine after looking at some pics. The primaries run pretty high up.
  17. http://www.summitracing.com/parts/UEM-KB120-030/ http://www.summitracing.com/parts/UEM-9901HC-030/ http://www.summitracing.com/parts/UEM-9902HC-030/ These are three sets of pistons I've been looking at. I'm leaning towards the two valve ones, but I'm not sure which compression height to use.
  18. So the Sanderson block huggers fit around the angle plugs? The JTR ones or other ones?
  19. That's one thing you can do to help. Be more specific in your location so people know where you are. I hear that there California is a darn big place
  20. You should roll around in the mud a little, maybe crawl through some briars or whatever thorny plants you have out in California to get a more "broken in" look
  21. Mine showed up Friday morning, but I never got a tracking number. Oh well I don't have anything to compare them to, but they sure do look nice! Like Doc said very clean casting, little to no excess flashing, solid looking heads. The only thing is mine are angle plug when I requested straight. Hopefully my headers still fit.
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