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Everything posted by smoorenc

  1. EvilC Sorry you are going through this. What's wierd is I am a member of the triad Z Club and I don't remember his name. I have never met anyone in our club that would seem to act that way. I looked at our members list on the website and I don't see him listed on it: http://www.triadzclub.com/index.asp?inc=members I'll ask some of our members and the club president. I wish you luck in getting your money back. I don't know how people can be like that!
  2. Did you try from my site? http://www.4moores.com/280z/files/JCI Install Update 1.doc Scott
  3. That's John's Cars mounting kit. It's basicly the only manufatured LS1 kit for the Z. http://www.brokenkitty.com/zcar.htm If you do a search you can see pictures of the mounts on this site in various places . Also here http://4moores.com/280z/files/JCI Install Update 1.doc Install Update 1.doc
  4. I like that fiberglass piece! I wish I could make things like that. I used this thread to mount the led's into my Tach and make the Speedometer and Tach mount in the original holders. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=130304
  5. Well I just finished the Autometer Speedometer swap out into the original mounts. The only issue I had was the reset/trip button was too short. I removed (pull/wiggle) the rubber cap off. Then I took an old crappy small philips screw driver and cut it down to size. Lined it up with the plastic lens and drilled a hole through the plastic. Used some heat shrink and extened it. Here are some pictures that will hopefully help someone out in the future. PS. I also do not guarantee that this is the best way, it's just the way I did it and it worked for me.
  6. This was a great write up. I was able to perform the mounting also. Thanks guys!!
  7. This is a false statement. Most all Blu-ray players even upvert regular DVD's to 1080p. Mine also play's CD's too.
  8. Hey Matt, how's it going. I got those parts already to rebuild the hinges, the roller pin and roller were broke off a long time ago. So they are missing and I can't find the parts or part #'s anywhere.
  9. Hi Guys, I am rebuilding my hinges and I am missing the roller pin and roller pin bushing. Its the pin that the slide bar connected to the spring rolls up against to keep your door open. I can't seen to find the part # or where to get one. Does anyone know? Here is a picture of the roller pin: Thanks! Scott
  10. In the dash install write up: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=127360
  11. My fuel write up http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=127605
  12. Hi Roddy (TitaniumZ) is changing out his "Fuel Injected Suicide" car he uses at VIR into a Carb set up. He couldn't get enough fuel into the block before leaning it out too much. You might want to chat/call Roddy to see what he is doing.
  13. Where can we get this cabling at for $7.00 ?
  14. I'd call Les @ (760) 940-6365 Classic Datsun, his flares are built very good. I know they work on the 240Z-280Z. He could tell you about the 280ZX and he is great to do business with. http://classicdatsun.com/new/240z_parts.html
  15. www.steelerubber.com has all of those plugs. Back of the catalog or just call with size and they have them.
  16. I loaded up teamspeak. But where do we join for it?
  17. It saved me too when we first got our Z. Congratulations!!
  18. Is it tonight at 9pm? I am the only one on stalkers. mid-ohio Is it the wrong day?
  19. Thats one nice thing about the PS3 it upverts regular DVD's and can play Bluray's. But you never know. I remember when Beta-max (also Sony) was a lot better than VHS. But VHS lowered its price, stuck it in wal-mart and next thing you know, everyone has a P.O.S. VHS player.
  20. I was just able to get on. It was a lot harder in sim mode!! I spun out all over the place. I don't have headphonees or a mic though. Unless my daughters xbox 360's "halo" communicator will work on my PC. I loaded up teamspeak. But where do we join for it?
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