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Everything posted by smoorenc

  1. You sure your booster's bladder isn't popped? Mine went bad once and it was hard to stop.
  2. I have been asked by a couple of fellow members where I got my energy suspensions mount from its part# 3.1108 and its something like $22.45 http://www.energysuspensionparts.com/proddetail.asp?prod=3%2E1108
  3. TitaniumZ do I need the V axels for our R200 LSD?
  4. That is one severe finned rear cover! TitaniumZ (Roddy) is custom building me a cover for my finned LSD. I'll take pictures when he is finished for you.
  5. To down load it go to http://www.v8-240z.com/hybridz/ and then right click and "save target as" on the file
  6. Looks like the color of my 76 original was Cocoa. It was under 2 different shades of green. It's being stripped down now. Fun times ahead for you! www.4moores.com/280z Thats what we did, fixed it up enough to drive for 2 years and now a LS1 in going in and other new stuff. Good luck!!! Scott
  7. Is it in the tall grass to hide the rust? Or is that where it was laid to rest?
  8. Really looks nice, I can't wait for mine to get to that point. Here it is now. Been using por-15 on it. www.4moores.com/280z Seeing your pictures an how you have progressed, gives me hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel..
  9. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=114152&page=3
  10. Welcome, there are some really good Z people around here. 2 members up north of Kannapolis are helping me with my car. www.4moores.com/280z and they have done some unbelievable work on Tom's Z from Wilmington. http://forums.hybridz.org/showpost.php?p=769290&postcount=35 and http://forums.hybridz.org/showpost.php?p=676998&postcount=1 Marks Z just won an award at the car show in Winston Salem. Roddy's car is really fast, but ugly... LOL I figured he'd see this post and I could yank his chain. The Triad Z Club is very good, the Triangle Z club (farther away) and the Charlotte club are all good resources. If you join the Triadzclub, you can get 20% off all parts at Modern Nissan. So that's a big bonus!
  11. I got mine and it looks great! Thanks agian
  12. Hi I have been searching for an alternitive way to mount a Finned R200 into my 76 280Z, besides the one being offered by arizonaz. I'd love to have one from them, but it's out of my budget for now. I have been searching and all roads lead to http://www.magshooterz.com/R200Info.htm But its not there anymore. Does anyone have that info? Or info on how to clear the fins?
  13. I did the same with a bunch of big deck bolts I had laying around. Removed the cone filter from the inlet side of the fuel punp. Put a fram G3 gas filter infront of the fuel pump and changed it when it got dirty looking. Problem solved. here's what i did: 1. dropped the tank (drained it first, of course) 2. poured in a decent amount of acetone (some other solvent will probably work better, but this is all i had on hand) 3. took a chain and swizzled the bottom of the tank (use one that's made of a metal that is not prone to sparks) 4. drained the tank through the filler neck port. you would not believe the crud that came out of there. anyway, flushing it with water may help as well, but you'll want to make sure it gets dry; and use some of that stuff designed to get water out of your fuel when you fill up.
  14. smoorenc

    pop ups

    OH now I see the love button push me hard. LOL
  15. smoorenc

    pop ups

    I don't see them here at hybridz.com
  16. I actually used the Chilton's manual and this website and the http://www.zcar.com/forums/ website for just about everything. The people here have more info in thier heads than you could get in a book. We are in the process of upgrading the motor too, so its in pieces... www.4moores.com/280z But I went the LS1 route instead.
  17. I use to, I miss it. I even got 22 stitches in my wrist when I was young and stupid. It was cool, like the terminator looking at his arm with the skin off. Last thing I remember before passing out. LOL Now I am old and Stupid... haha I started building another plane with a 60 in it last year to get my self motivated, but I have been side tracked with so many other things. Like the LS1-Z. When, if, I ever retire, it will be the first thing I do! I have a Goldberg Ultimate 300bi-plane I built in the attic that only got flown a couple of times and I want to get it up again. There isn't too many places near me for flying. When I lived in MD there were lots of places. That was part of how come I stopped. I moved to NC and in my area of NC there isn't much RC involvement or places to fly. I have a couple of RC cars in the garage (daughter put the best one in the creek in the front yard), use to have a boat, but that got boring fast. My son when he was young, loved it though. Now he is at the Naval Academy and thinks of nothing but the Z and Girls. Probably not in that order. I remember lots of fun times flying with him beside me having me do stunts. I definitly won't be one of those guys that retires and doesn't know what to do with himself.....
  18. What was ever decided on the headers. I ordered the JCI mounts and I am getting the headers and the rest from JTR. I have a 2002 LS1. What headers do I get so I don't have these mounting issues? I am a way's behind you guys though.. www.4moores.com/280z Thanks
  19. I have a 76 and I just took it all out as one piece.
  20. I reallty like your mag and I subscribe through the triad Z car club. Keep up the great job you all are doing!
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