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Everything posted by datsun40146

  1. You are not the only mining guy here by far, both myself and garvice are involved in "underground" operations...OK so there are three of us lol. Miners UNITE!
  2. My condolences to both JohnC and careless's friends, you both have my sympathy and will be in my thoughts. God speed in your respective recoveries
  3. umm... I guess they are letting "special" people drive now.
  4. Hey garvice, I'm on track for a mining engineering degree, what do you deal with in reguards to mining? I've heard that australia is the holy grail for mining engineers.
  5. I'm a mining engineer junior at the University of Kentucky. So I'm also a red-hat engineer when I'm underground (Little coal mining humor).
  6. Thats a good quote I traded a new set of 33 12 50s ATs with chrome wheels for a complete soda blasting job on my S30. I think I got a great deal. Considering I got the tires for 300 and the wheels for 375.00
  7. Scissors ftw, I got all 17. The hardest one to find was the boss's pencil.
  8. C'mon John don't you think you can do it for a bit les 5000. Tell you what you give me 4000 cash, buy the parts, metal, spare car, ect and I'll fly out and fix it. You would also have to give me a place to say and food for 14 days. I think thats a good deal? no?
  9. Wow I ws worried when I saw carnage in the title, but it cool now. Mostly because I had no idea it was a 2+2 and there OK to break.... just kidding to all you 2+2 lovers out there.
  10. Do they (newbs) just not look at the dates or what? I mean really how do you dig up a four year old thread on making a sub-box. Really...
  11. You know my roof was like that too, but only on the driver's side I think a PO in the cars past was pissed and took it out on the roof. That took a LONG time to fix. I think I spent more time on the roof than anywhere else. The thing is like sanding on a circle.
  12. Both rear tail lights aren't red, you now have "euro" tails with an amber bottom lense and red upper lense. Nice find.
  13. I thought the same thing... thats looks like an insight.
  14. That has to be, I don't think it could be anything else. What do you think? Early 260? Well on a second glance the grill opening looks almost like a Jaguar E type. Either way nice eye.
  15. I'm glad everything turned out all right on your end Dan!
  16. That horrible Mike I'm sorry you had to go through that, I know it changes you. You just have to pick up and move on, care for the survivors. Again I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
  17. Did you read any of the comments, I mean jeez. One said "I did this and the rust kept coming back" Well Duh you didn't fix the rust you covered it up AND the kid was talking about doing this again because he thought he did something wrong. Somebody needs to set those kids right on to repair rust, i.e. link to mull's project hugo would work I think.
  18. Good luck Dan you have my best wishes for you family. However if the worse happens and your home is damaged, and then by proxy the sever goes down. Where then should the hybridz'ers meet up online to figure out the next course of action and to receive news on whats going on?
  19. I had mine lightened down to about 14-15 pounds at griffen's machine shop (thanks TonyD) shipping wasn't too bad either I think I got a light flywheel for like 65 bucks shipped and it works great. Let me give you a tip if you want to go this route, don't ship YOUR flywheel buy one in cal for 5 bucks and ship to griffen's that will save you money on shipping. Then you can can any other flywheels you have cut down and sell them to make money.
  20. Nice run, was that brain's car that ran ater yours? BTW what was your time on that run?
  21. Yeah any kind of spray glue would work fine. I used carpet glue in a spray can, seems to work great.
  22. Just pull it off. pick off a corner and just peel it away.
  23. Why would you go through all the trouble to shave the front bumper and mold in a spoiler and NOT shave the side markers, it makes no sense...
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