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Everything posted by Tim240z

  1. Another one bites the dust Hey here's a question:When do men stop masturbating? Answer: When they get divorced.... Just kidding, Bryan........good luck!!! Tim
  2. So what the heck was he up to before 1992? Late bloomer I guess.... Tim
  3. I too am very disappointed in the accuracy of gauges. I have all autometer ultralite gauges and you would think that they would at least be close?! I checked my temp gauge against the PCM (LT1 hooked up to my laptop and running freescan). That damn Autometer was at least 15-20 degrees high!!! (assuming that my PCM and its sender is accurate). Well, this jives with what Pete found with his thermometer test. Tim
  4. Please DRASTICALLY reduce the size of your avatar!!!
  5. Z-Driver....so is it painted? Where the pics, MAN!! Don't Juday us now!! Tim
  6. I've seen them around, but I'm a cheap bastard and a DIY hands on kinda guy Tim
  7. I know exactly how you feel....it's fun and kinda anxious at the same time.....good for the blood circulation though.... Tim
  8. Now that is how to prevent exhaust fumes from entering the rear hatch on a Z car!! ha ha ha ha.......dumbasses!! Tim
  9. Don't know how you guys do it!! About 78*F here today.... Tim
  10. At WOT you would loose some of your opening which would be taken up by double thick plates. I was thinking of profiling the oval plate and thinning the shaft and grinding the heads of the little grub screws..... Tim
  11. Hmmm...3 compartments....perfect for the Hybrid Z'er: 1: amphetamines to get the project finished 2: pain killers for the cuts, bruises, and bloody knuckles during the conversion 3: Valium to bring you back down after completing the project and spanking all the wannabes driving their rice rockets. Tim
  12. Ahhh...U yungin!! Happy birthday!! Be carefull....don't wrap your car around a light pole tonight Tim
  13. All the other ugliness aside, I have always really loved those 'cigar lighter' tail lights on that skyline in the first picture. They look really cool at night, just like a couple of recently 'popped' automobile cigar lighters.... Tim
  14. If you 'lubed' the bores, it will take the rings longer to seat. If you assembled them 'dry', then 500 miles should be plenty.
  15. Give the rings a chance to seat themselves. Tim
  16. Tim240z

    Vegas pics

    U need help, man!! lol
  17. That does look pretty cool 8) Tim
  18. Yeah, but as soon as you weld, or cut, the aluminizing burns off. You could go all the way and have the pipe high temp coated inside and out, or, maybe just clean it out inside very well with solvent, scuff it, dry it and pour some liquid paint in there, slosh it around and pour it out? Unless the section is very short, aerosol won't work well without the wand attachment. Maybe someone has some more effective suggestions..? Tim
  19. Make sure that you have the piping coated inside if using steel. Remember all this is after the air filter and if it starts rusting inside and flaking, you are gonna have crap going into the intake, no? Tim
  20. When (if) I modify my TB, I will have the Nitrous ports plumbed in....kind of stealthy like. Tim
  21. I am running the 15/16" bore early 280ZX (I ordered for a 1980) master with 280 zx rear calipers and 4 piston Superlites on the front (don't know the bore sizes for the calipers ), and in initial testing, I have more than adequate braking and pedal action.... Tim
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