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Everything posted by Tim240z

  1. Those cars are soft as hell (by design)....I would bet good money that the frame is bent. you could just have it wheel aligned and let it crab down the road (otherwise you will spend a fortune in tires)
  2. The exhaust side is a bit small on the turbos, but considering what is included, it seems to be a good deal. I would really like to know what material and gauge the exhaust header tubing is....
  3. Mike, Does the same apply to the 6.0 and 8.1? I don't want to downgrade the driveline to a 5.3L. I sometimes haul heavy stuff and will be building a car trailer (double axle) as soon as the weather clears, so I need some punch. Tim
  4. Thanks Mark. Do you know if the sensor on the pedal was wired directly to the TB, or if it was an input to the PCM?
  5. Anyone know if any of these motors from the 2000+ chevy trucks and vans have regular cable throttles, instead of drive by wire throttles. (looking to retrofit my 71 Cheyenne 20. I would like either of the 2 above, or an LS1 with overdrive auto. Any reason why the LS1 would not be a viable option in a 3/4 ton truck? Thanks, Tim
  6. I would be all over this except I want 2" primaries.....so I guess I will start from scratch again....
  7. It's a picture from that same auction....
  8. Since it's a 'closed' system, it shouldn't matter at all where you put it....
  9. Go back to that link I posted. ALL the info you need is there.
  10. 350 Vortec motor. Block is either 2 or 4 bolt. Heads are: .........."Vortec 5700", "L31", 64cc chamber, 170cc intake port, 1.94"/1.5" valves Look here: http://www.mortec.com/castnum.htm
  11. The tranny is a 700R4, but the early ones had some major issues, both strength and oil galleries. It needs an electrical signal for torque converter lock up and throttle position for kickdown (I believe). There is some pertinent info here: http://www.bowtieoverdrives.com
  12. It's for fuel economy during light throttle cruise....
  13. I was thinking about garage floor coating systems. Upon some investigation I found that there is a spray system using truck bed coating for garage floors. Looked very interesting. I lost the url in a PC change-over, but I bet you could find it by Googling.... Tim
  14. Answer.....keep the mouse off the page! Sorry....best I could come up with....
  15. The definition files are the specific vehicle software (TunerCat Tuner being the main software). The expensive package is for shops that want to be able to tune every vehicle that TunerCat supports
  16. IIRC, the software is ~$80, and then you need the correct definition file ($EE, I think), which is another $20. As for the harness, I too wonder why folks pay the ridiculous $$$ for the aftermarket harnesses...... Don't forget to download freescan and get a connector from Andrew (links on Tunercat's site). Also, the OBDI DLC connector can be grabbed from any GM OBDI car at the JY. I got mine from a cavalier. Tim {edit}Tuner software is $69.95 and the definition file is $19.95
  17. A tad ricey, but nice all the same:
  18. no sweat....just didn't want you to pull your hair out wandering what happened to the other post.
  19. 850 carb is way to big. 700 will do nicely, maybe a 750 at most.
  20. PLease post in only one forum for the same topic. Read this: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=84964 Other post deleted. Thanks,
  21. Set the engine to TDC (using a piston stop or whatever method). THen as long as the crank has a TDC mark on it, bolt a piece of wire to the block to line up with TDC on the crank. To set the advance, using a crank degree lable sticker will make life much easier....but there are ways around that.
  22. Yup...it was for that safety record that I bought my wife a 1996 850 when she was pregnant with my Son. Still going strong with 130k miles. Only problem we've had was the fuel pump died....but that is because she insists on running the tank down Tim
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