Whatrever happens to Rove is better than he deserves. This man has built a career out of smears and dirty tricks. When Shrub was running for governer of texas, "someone" started rumors about Ann Richards sexual preferance. Later during the presidential primaries rumors surfaced about John McCain's time as a prisoner in Veit Nam. Unless of course you want to believe that he was a colaborater. Of course then there was the Swift Boat campaign. Valerie Plame, despite what some might think, was not a "disgruntled Democrat". Ambasador Wilson said that there was no Yellow Cake deal, and as much as some of you may hate to admit it, he was right.
Rove first gained fame by stealing letterhead paper from a desk and using it to sabotage the campaign an opponent.
Although I am sure many of you will say this is all circumstantal, it seems to me that a trail of slime follows this man. Am I a bitter uptight Liberal? you betcha I am! I have explained what I have learned about Carl Rove. Now someone explain how lying to congress about a BJ is worse than lying to the country about the reason to go to war.