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Everything posted by Chaparral2f

  1. Yeah, I guess I 'll take the cowards way out. If anyone is intrested in a shaved door handle kit with 45lb solenoids let me know. (Summit # 80158-35DP) As for the wife, I can't seem to loose her though I almost did a few years in a poker game. W#hen i told her, she said, "How could you do that?" I told her it wasn't easy, I had to fold with three aces and a pair of kings.
  2. I'm glad to see them go. I get too passionate about politics, and even though I try to stay away from P&R posts I always seem to find my blood pressure going up. Besides, I have a wife and a Z to make me crazy.
  3. The temprature here today was 104 and when I got home from Tacoma my wife had cleaned the garage. How am I ever going to find my stuff? I admit it was a surprise to see the workbench. I sincerlyu believe that a neat garage is a sign of a person who has too much time on his/her hands. Maybe I should report her to Tim Taylor. If she wasn't so neat, I'd replace her, but after 45 years together, she is starting to grow on me. Oh well, I'll give it another decade or so and see if she works out. Now that I have that out of my system, I need advise on how to convince her that shaved door handles are NOT a safety problem.
  4. Remeber, this was in or around Pheonix. You know, the retirement center of the universe. Them old people (that's with a capital A and H) get kind of crotchety.
  5. Okay, I will do four you. Here is deal, I will send you a check for $40000, and you are puting in bank. Then immeadiatly you are sending to me here in Nigeria a shoebox with the extra $20000 in small unmarked bills, to show good faith. Then when you are bought car you can pay the rest back at leisure.
  6. Didn't someone post one on Ebay with a couple of helocoptor engines? Now that ain't no girlie car
  7. Not on this cheesy computer
  8. He Mike, I think the young lady standing behind the Z is sending you a message.
  9. That is incredable. but they should have used a bigger car like maybe a Metropoliton.
  10. John, if religous and political was banned all it would do for me is lower my blood pressure about 20 points.
  11. Man oh man, black Z's are awesome
  12. Phil, isn't it interesting to see how far the right will go to protect Bu..sh..?
  13. He would probably say, "Thats an AFM". As usual, Grumpy hit it right on the head.
  14. I got a set of58cc L98 alum heads fuse for $250 spent $300 lto get valves ground , ported and polished. They give me a compression ratio of 10.5 with flat tops. Haven't dynoed the engine, but it seems to run pretty strong.
  15. Will those wheels fit my Peterbilt?
  16. Whatrever happens to Rove is better than he deserves. This man has built a career out of smears and dirty tricks. When Shrub was running for governer of texas, "someone" started rumors about Ann Richards sexual preferance. Later during the presidential primaries rumors surfaced about John McCain's time as a prisoner in Veit Nam. Unless of course you want to believe that he was a colaborater. Of course then there was the Swift Boat campaign. Valerie Plame, despite what some might think, was not a "disgruntled Democrat". Ambasador Wilson said that there was no Yellow Cake deal, and as much as some of you may hate to admit it, he was right. Rove first gained fame by stealing letterhead paper from a desk and using it to sabotage the campaign an opponent. Although I am sure many of you will say this is all circumstantal, it seems to me that a trail of slime follows this man. Am I a bitter uptight Liberal? you betcha I am! I have explained what I have learned about Carl Rove. Now someone explain how lying to congress about a BJ is worse than lying to the country about the reason to go to war.
  17. Some one should invite that guy over here where he would be made welcome. That it is terrible to do that to a Datsun. He should leave that thing at my place so he won't get ridiculed by us purists.
  18. If you check out his second post you can see quite a difference. I don't recall grumpy not being able to spell. To bad the guy doesn't attribute the knowlege to The Man!
  19. The guys shop is in Tempe Ariz, so maybe one of the members from Pheonix area could stop by and check it out.That should end the photoshop controversy.
  20. Looks like it should be easy to parallel park.
  21. Great advise. I've been looking of a filter lide those gut for some reason marine supply houses didn't occur to me.
  22. The only reality show that I liked was the Eco Challange where teams would race in some of the most godawful places on earth. Now I occasionally watch Monster Garage just because I like Jessie James attitude. He doesn't seem to be into drama, he just lets people work, and lends a hand where he can.
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