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Everything posted by FlatBlack

  1. What other specifics would you need then what you listed? It's an L26 Block with an E88 head - the Felpro L6 gasket is a universal fit for the L24 L26 and L28.
  2. Updates!! Alright, school has started and I am forced to only work on the S30 on the weekends because it is 30 minutes North of me in the shop. I am going to try a couple of things tonight to get the MS to spark, but if they don't work, I am just going to wire the WBO2 in and only run fuel. That way I can limp the car back to town where I will be able to work on it in my free time, not only on the weekends. Does anyone know if the N/A dizzy will fit over the 83 ZXT Dizzy shaft? I guess I'll find out tonight
  3. What? If you're going from EFI to carbs, why would you need diagrams?
  4. Felpro Head Gaskets are available at your local big box auto parts store for about $17.
  5. I really really want to see this done I know a friend with a 4th Gen Camaro and the air intake is a problem unless you can fab something through the firewall.
  6. 240Zs came with a 4 Speed, 5 Speeds were not offered until 77 [or 78?]
  7. I forgot about that - the hatch deck is lower on the early cars, you'll have to look into that as well.
  8. If it's a P90A then it might have hydraulic lifters. Do some searching on it. Valve cover to oil pan would be a long block, no manifolds or turbo probably. Try to get it all. *edited* Sorry guys
  9. Yes, get the gas tank - it's baffled and the 240Z one is not. Get a compression test before you get it and try and get everything for $500
  10. Haha. This is - The perfect beer. Classic BP for sure
  11. Never trust the 'smell' test these are 30 year old cars that weren't that well insulated to begin with.
  12. My Mother had one of those in the late 70s... Looked cool. What motor was in yours?
  13. I read something about them registering it in a state and then moving to another state without changing the registration.
  14. Yes I thought it was a cool story.
  15. That's exactly what I did and it's worked great for over a year. I didn't use chain wax though.
  16. I hate you, Dave. [That is my dream car] Take me for a ride if you get it?
  17. Did you look in the For Sale section? I remember a picture of one for sale recently, it was sitting on a set of tires. I'm not sure if it's still for sale or not though.
  18. Do you still have the L28? If so, what condition is it in? I'm in NWA.
  19. I didn't finish my Z in time before school. Now I'm going to have to wait for the weekends, and Saturdays are tied up at the Stadium. I just need one more month of vacation!!
  20. Bumpers! I've got my first class at half eleven today. Going to be a good semseter, hopefully this is my last year of Undergrad - I'm getting a Degree in Geography - Remote Sensing/GIS Human Geography [Freshmen class >_<] Ethics Remote Sensing Cartography French Intermediate II [Going to kick my arse, but last foreign language class EVARR] Good luck everybody!!
  21. Buck's V8 Z is what got me hooked on Z cars. So... the MSD 6A arrived at my parent's house today... My Mother is bringing it down to Fayetteville for me today I'm going into work for a bit tomorrow then heading out to the shop to try and get the Flat Black Z sparking. How's that for back on track Bawb
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