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Everything posted by FlatBlack

  1. Why would you check the alternator? Check your head temp sensor. If that is bad or doing something weird that could also affect the cold idle. The ECU reads data from that, the thermotime switch, and the air temp sensor [located in the AFM] to calculate fuel. Read the EFI Bible. You can find it on a quick search here, it's actually pretty useful. I would recommend spraying the all the connectors with Electric connector cleaner. If the Air Regulator isn't functioning properly, here's what I did for my car: The car isn't getting enough air. If you set the idle higher, you won't need to hold the throttle down. The down side of that is that it idles really high after it's warmed up. I have an unused vacuum hose running through my firewall into the cabin. When the car is cold, I keep it open, which tricks the AFM by giving the motor unmetered air. When the car warms up, I plug it off and the idle drops back down.
  2. M1 - Do you wakeboard? I saw a tower on the boat but couldnt make out what it was... Nice shop
  3. This is in the wrong section, should be under troubleshooting I have a shaved manifold and took my Air regulator off and I have to do the same thing. In the South it wasnt much of a problem as it wasnt that cold ever, but up here in sub 30* weather it does matter. Check your Air Regulator. [it looks like a tube with a coolant line running through it and an injector-style clip on one end]. The connector might be damaged, corroded or loose. If thats OK or you dont feel like replacing it I've come up with a um... 'design' to help with warm ups that lets me keep my idle down so its not idling at 1200 after it's warm.
  4. 98 Honda Accord V6. Gets me around, quite fast for a Honda, 33 mpg HWY The Z was performing daily duties until it got consistently under 30* last week. The PO had rerouted the heater hose so Im guessing it leaked, and I'm too lazy to find out. [i never bothered to check in Baton Rouge]
  5. When I moved up to Arkansas in June, the second week I was here I got a ticket for 'spinning my wheels.' Took it to court, not guilty, still had to pay $100 in court fees for a $120 ticket. Go figure. Ive got two warnings in the last week, mostly because my car is loud. Im also running rich when the car is cold so it looks like smoke is coming out going uphill. I can't wait to do the turbo swap so I can put a new exhaust on there.
  6. heh I read your list before i posted... That's kind of how we do things around here. Yes it has everything you listed - I have all poly in my car using the Summit kit. Get to know your search button.
  7. Theres a kit that has everything and more at summitracing.com http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=PTP-14-2002&N=700+115&autoview=sku If you don't know what a moustache bar is you need a FSM [Factory Service Manual] for your year... It holds the back of the diff to the frame of the car .
  8. I'm running a shaved [non-EGR] N47 on an F54 flat top motor with 78 EFI, but I don't have any of the 'intake components' you are asking about. The Air regulator should just sit on top of it, it shouldn't matter too much, I'd double check with the EGR valve. The Cold start valve hole will still be there Here are some pictures of my EGR N47, hope it helps
  9. My fusible links were causing this issue, it went away for a while then came back. TrumpetRhapsody and I took our fusible links out and put in the Scoche audio block fuses. http://forums.hybridz.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=11414&d=1231805047 It took about ten minutes to do it, I would strongly recommend everyone do this!
  10. have you read this? http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=99620 I mean yes its obvious but it seems that it has good pictures and is fairly thorough... maybe you missed it?
  11. Yeah I noticed that when I followed the link and looked around - I think it's still a bit sketchy.
  12. it sounds like the jmbranger guy - do a search on it. He's from Canada so check for that as well
  13. Heh you missed him getting so pissed off putting the spindle back in that he smashed the chair he was working on haha. He doesn't drink enough beer when he does Z work...
  14. Are the log jackstands a West coast phenomena or is it exclusively a Northwestern thing?
  15. Did you drive the car at all today? I'm getting off at 4 and you know what we're doing to the flat black car Just look at me get to town on that spacer! --> http://forums.hybridz.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=11413&d=1231804962
  16. That sounds like what my N/A L28 was doing when my fuel pump was going out, I'd try that Before you buy a new one change the fuel filter, your gas tank might be really rusty and it's stopped up.
  17. I completely forgot to look at my house in Baton Rouge... Here's Flat Black with the 260 bumper on The link isn't posting... Click 'Street View' - Also if you head West down the street you can see my Roommate's V8 car under a cover http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=8004+Sholar+Baton+Rouge+LA&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=30.416452,-91.105129&panoid=JvvWYX3cmGNtKg6vCrZOvA&cbp=12,174.4698422516118,,0,5
  18. Haha that was the first time I'd read that - that's really really funny. Does anyone know if he has a boat? That'd be even creepier
  19. This is what I get for buying 15s These look a little bit more like 225s to you?
  20. The uncompressed spring looks much smaller than stock, [search the suspension threads and you'll see pictures] but my car doesnt look much lower... These are with my new Rota 15s. My car is waay more about utility than looks though, notice the fading flat black primer paint. [Looks pretty high] If youre looking for a lower profile, save up your lunch money and get coilovers.
  21. Ive been telling my current girlfriend that the Z came before her when she asks why I spend so much time on it Its funny you should bring this up, I dont usually talk 'car' to my girlfriend, but last night I sent her some pictures of the car with new wheels after she asked to see it. She said they looked way better, but she thought my airdam MADE THE CAR LOOK UGLY!!! And I've been dating this girl for over a year and a half! I contemplated breaking up with her at that point... but after cooling down a bit just realized that she had bad taste in cars. [she said the stock 240z looks better ] My advice, just roll with the punches, and like the 'older' guys are saying, you're young, if it becomes a big enough issue, there are more fish in the sea.
  22. My Z lives here with a few other S30s: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=springdale+arkansas+&sll=35.167621,-80.742838&sspn=0.000991,0.001727&g=1000+independence+blvd+charlotte+nc&ie=UTF8&ll=36.160843,-94.119211&spn=0.000979,0.001727&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=36.161039,-94.119249&panoid=YL69j-PSjd50w9hJ5Ym9uA&cbp=12,281.81392008793046,,0,6.396338453580288 crazy.
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