I just managed to get around to fixing up the Hilux I have, and just had to post now I have it going, it's been something of an annoy ance for the past while as different bits wouldn't fit, so now I have it going, I just felt compelled to brag
Some time back my 1985 Hilux (4runner stateside) carb got out of adjustment, and I couldn't get in back in to a running condition. It didn't take long for me to decide I wasn't going to fuss with the insanely complicated water + electronic choke and mixture control carb. So I went onto the local NZ auction site and bought a couple of Weber downdraft carbs I had heard of being successfully used to re-carb toyota 3Y engines.
BUT, when they arrived and I checked the bases, I found they needed a $70 carb base adapter plate to be used, and I am too cheap to spend that kind of coin on a old work truck, thats best saved for toys. So I sold one on and the other is still sitting on a shelf in the shed. and I got a pair of SU HIF44 carbs instead.
Theres a picture of the engine bay of my Hilux as an attachment
Notice the werd aglomeration of strange bits hanging off the intake manifold? Thats a HIF44 SU carb (half of a Rover V8 3.5L system) dangling off three bits of scrap steel welded to a "T" section of 2" dia stainless steel pipe the throttle arm on the carb is off the orgininal toyota carb, but attacked with an angle grinder to allow it to fit on the SU without hitting the SU's side. the throttle cable was cut and a piece of wire spliced into it, and a new cable holder made out of scrap angle iron to shift the cable body to a new position where it can activate the throttle arm with the right angle to maximise the arm travel.
quite a mess... but it works!
I think I'll call it the Frankenmotor