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Everything posted by kiwi303

  1. or it's a tool showroom with no cars beyond a prop piece or two.
  2. sheep. eat the mutton once the grass is short, when the grass is long once more, buy more sheep and enjoy more roast mutton.
  3. different country, but here 1mil liability is pretty standard, covers fire callout costs, damage to neighbours or utilities, and loose animals.
  4. how long before someone nicks the wings off a fokker trike and bolts those on upside down over the bonnet?
  5. Bugga League, Union rules and don;t get me started on aussie rules... can't afford rugby fields so they change the rules to play on cricket ovals!
  6. I thought that was when the frat boys paddle met the new initiates ass? you know... getting physical on the fundaments
  7. and if you feel up to paying international shipping, I have a RB20DE head off a running motor sitting in my shed.
  8. which is why a spacesaver tire is gone in 500 miles while a proper tyre 4 times as wide but giving the same grip lasts a hell of a lot longer.
  9. the Aussies in the NT can, there wasn't any limit up there until recently, Holden did a lot of high speed testing up there.
  10. not C.A.R.B legal I guess. as in not a factory part with factory anti pollution junk still tacked on.
  11. Try depot to depot? I've had trans shipped from the sellers closest depot to my closest depot thn just rolled up in a van and had the parts loaded into the van by forklift at the depot.
  12. www.v8forum.co.uk lots of RV8's in little light escorts pimped up with turbos and NOS doing trips down the 1/4 mile on there.
  13. Given the totally off-the-track mind that wrote that, I shudder to think about what the refferal to "Possible penalties for early withdrawal" may mean when you look at just what the statement immediately preceding it is!
  14. =It always seem ironic that the members of the "nonconformist" fringe groups, show a far greater degree of conformity to the group norm, than the main mass of humanity shows...
  15. find someone who would look after it and sell it then... don't give it to a car wrecker!
  16. take them to the photo shop or the pharmacy and get them printed on matt photo paper off the CD/USBstick/Card I presume you have the print-your-own systems that tend to be set up here in pharmacies.
  17. Alicia Silverstone for Areosmith... pretty chick
  18. grab a razor... go the full monty
  19. clean? I have limestone chip down in the vehicle bays, and the workshop has rough cast concrete... I just kick anythin in the way under the bench where I won't trip on it.
  20. a thousand Pounds sterling and I could buy a L20 powered car down here and raid it for the rods for you how much you wanting to spend?
  21. I can't remember them all... prob about 30 to 45. I only frequent about 6, but I remember my logins on most of the rest so I can pop over and ask a Q if something relevant to them comes up. I generally hit the search pretty hard when I first find the place. which is why I'm signed up to a bunch, many forums only allow signed up members to use the search function. I'd just be a guest on a bunch of them if there wasn't that roadblock.
  22. I've never gotten into shotties. just got the single barrel 12G hammer gun (H&R Topper model) as a pest and vermin removal tool. whats the point in filling the meat with hard bits when decapitation with a rifle while they sit around is far neater and faster, and ruins less meat. I hunt for food and shoot for sport. I don't hunt for sport.
  23. more fun to use LPG shove a wired up spark plug as deep down the burrow as you can reach, make a bunsen burner type gas mixer, say a piece of 1.5" alkathene pipe with a 1/2" gas hose from a 9Kg cylinder (don't bother with a regulator) down the middle, the gas jetting out the hose will pull air in and by the time it exits the end of the 1.5" pipe it's all mixed and explosive-ish. empty the cylinder into the burrow and go find a ditch to hide in. conect the spark plug to a battery and the gas will go boom not just killing any bunnies in the burrow that haven't been asaphixated, but collapsing the burrow it's what the air force FAE bombs do
  24. come live here we only have one poisonous native species, which is limited to a 100 square mile section of beaches on one island, and a few rare australian imports plus, no snakes
  25. here you can pay fines at the post office
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