A bit of background. I bought a V6 WC T-5 trans and am re-building it w/ a Ford "R" (V8) set of gears and rebuild kit from thegearbox.org. So...
FINALY finished dismantling the T5 last night. Mainly the output shaft and gears. There is one gear that is press-fixed onto the front area of the output shaft. It looks like it's heat treated aluminum but it's hard to tell, it basically sits INSIDE the 'reverse sliding gear'. Anyway, the tops of all the teeth are burred up pretty good and looks like it could be used but I wonder if it needs to be replaced. The races where the bearings sit on the shaft have a visible wear pattern but the finish is still smooth to the touch, no gouges or physical marks. The nose of the shaft is gouged and burred, looks like it may have come into conact with the end of the input shaft?
Any suggestions? Do I replace the output shaft or just clean the front of it up? How crititcal is that inside gear for reverese, is it also the 5th gear driver? If I reuse, shoudl I leave the burs on the teeth or hone them smooth? They are about .025' or so tall and they are on both faces of each tooth.
Maybe I'm worrying about nothing?