The Z NEEDS nothing, just time for me to work on it. But with it in Washington and me in Guam it's difficult. I'll just wait a couple years until I move back to the states.
I'm investing $ for retirement every month, 5% of my paycheck right now. TSP is good stuff.
I don't really have any cash saved for emergencies, but I do have killer health insurance, and if anything happens with my parients in washington, the Navy will make sure I can get back to Washington.
I don't own a home, right now I live in converted base housing (3 bachelors living in one house, the govt pays for everything, does maintenance, ect.) I want to buy a house here (rumors of 7000 marines moving from Japan to Guam are making property prices go up), but havn't looked into it much.
With no bills I should be able to put away $1000/month into investments or savings. But I don't know anything about that stuff. I guess I'll have to get onto Scottrade or Etrade.
I think I'm going to drop the $4k on diving. Pay off the 2 loans I have, and put the rest of it away.