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Everything posted by ckolander

  1. My daily driver is a 96 Chrysler Concorde. I recently(within the last 2 weeks) replaced my water pump, thermostat, cooling fan, and relays for said fan. Now the problem I'm having is that the stupid car is still overheating, especially in stop and go traffic. Does anybody have any ideas why this is happening and how I can stop it?? Thanks everyone.
  2. Welcome aboard, I also have a 79. Yeah, windshield and rear hatch are big leakers. My solution for the rear hatch is to weld it shut. Right now I'm working on hinges and latch so that I can open the window and I'm cleaning the edges of the hatch so I can weld it. Good luck with your "new" old car.
  3. I read through this thread last night, I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. I used to live in Phelan for awhile and noticed it was going downhill in a hurry. My uncle is still out there and has a 260 that my cousin wrecked but I'm sure he'll help you out with some parts, might charge you a little bit, but he's fair. If you want to PM me your name and # I'll talk to him and pass it on. He's not on this site, but he is an enthusiast, I know he likes to keep Z's on the road.
  4. My s130 smells like old car, that wonderful aroma of dust, gas, oil, exaust, and blood(my blood, from pulling my dash out)
  5. I think that there's a loose nut behind the wheel.
  6. I think that if the trusses for the garage were redesigned with a vaulted ceiling in the center, you wouldn't have to change the actual roofline at all. I'm not an engineer or anything, just a carpenter, but I have seen an oddly vaulted truss like that used before.
  7. In my opinion, 3 doors and the lift in the center would be the way to go. That way when gthe car is up on the lift you will have room to walk around it easily.
  8. Ha ha, I know that business practice, I used to live just down the road.
  9. So what you're saying is if you rub it out you'll love your car even more??
  10. I have an article somewhere where they did it, it stiffened up the frame pretty good. Other than that I have no idea.
  11. The first one takes the cake.
  12. I should have thought about the colds affecting lights, around here, they sell specifically indoor/warm ballasts and outdoor/cold ballasts. The cold ballasts work in 40 below 0 F no problem.
  13. I looked at the plans, it appears that the garage is only about 9' high. As far as insulating it, can't really help you there. However, you don't really need sound insulation, and most standard insulation is fire resistant. For lighting, I would recommend florescent. You should get 4 8' mounts, figure out which bay you will be working in the most and give it 2 sets, the other 2 bays only need 1 each. Hope this helps a little
  14. I am torn between # 6 and # 1. #1 looks really nice, but #6 keeps catching my eye for some reason.
  15. Actually, I'm haggling with a local upholsterer to get EVERYTHING in suede and leather. First things first though, got to replace that stupid harmonic damper, and get new tires, and replace the differential mount. All is on track though, I think.
  16. I had the same problem, a mechanic in Tulare, CA fixed it. Have no idea how much it cost cause said mechanic broke my mirror and didn't charge me for the fix.
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