I feel for you Alex. The worst for me was at one of my very first jobs. I was young and seriously underpaid. Anyway, they did the Secret Santa thing there, and I pulled the VP's name. So now I have to buy this bitch a present. This was the same VP who had told me just a few weeks earlier "You make good money for someone your age" when I pointed out that the middle aged woman who had my job previously made $5/hr more than I was making. Discriminate on the basis of age much? Then all the other worker drones wanted to show this drunkard what a great boss she was, so they all chipped in to buy her a present. Of course I was sucked into that one as well, so now I'm buying 2 presents for her. As it turns out I spent more money on her that year then I did on my girlfriend. That REALLY pissed me off. Needless to say I don't do well with the compulsory gift giving or forced generosity either.