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Everything posted by stony

  1. Stony, 1.300 1/8 5.79 @ 117.88 1/4 9.10 @ 147MPH
  2. OK boys lets start rackin and stackin. This will apply to those who have any type of 4/6 cylinder format will be right off the slip example name, 60 foot, 1/8 mile ET / MPH 1/4 et. MPH I will go in and modify this thread as slips get added If you haven't posted a video or claim outrageous times a slip will be requested to verify. I will number them as they get added.
  3. I felt something funny the run before. it kind of tweaked alittle but came back down straight. the last run had allot more powerful launch and it hit the wheelie bars harder. I'm pretty sure it was the right wheelie bar because it was slightly lower then the other causing it to bottom out first. live and learn like they say. i had the wheelie bars on for safety and they were more then likely the Casie. Oh well. Well atleast it happened to the black car and not the red one
  4. 10K + to do it right. not including the cost of the motor or tranny
  5. Both of the first 2 pics are of the one i had on my motor. Since I'm pretty much drag only i got rid of the cooler kit. it is an older HKS kit.
  6. Here is a bunch of videos in one. Kinda shows the progression of what the changes we did and how they effected the ET.
  7. We made a small change in the midrange on the map on that run that obviously worked. the car launched harder then it had yet and when it went back in the wheelie bars it bottomed the right bar first which unloaded the right wheel making the car turn right in the air. The 30 MPH wind in that direction didn't help.
  8. My 50mm tial and 60mm HKS wastegate still working fine. ran 30 PSI thru the system all weekend!!!! both knockoffs
  9. Well here's an update for ya. We played with wheelie bars to see how it would effect the 60 foot times and overall performance. It seemed to like the wheelie bars up better then down. The bigger the wheelie the better the times. Here is the best of the day!!!! Before this run we were running 9.30's all day then we decided it was time to get into the timing and fuel. That made a huge difference. Here is the next to last run of the day. It was getting pretty windy and it kida rocked in the air but came down straight and hauled ass down the track. Then we took a turn for the worse. We decided to tweak it a tad more and see if we could get it into the 8s. Well it was still windy and well yo0u won’t see much here but here it is. Yea it hit the wall..... Bent the RT rear wheel is the only thing that kept me from going some more... oh well. Now im off to Utah in December to try and finish the red car.
  10. Yea Mike i didnt change anything visually. basically cut out all the v-8 mounting stuff and mounted the rb in it. It was pretty straight forward. I had alot of help with wiring it up. Heading out in a hour or 2 to the state fair tonight then off to the track sat for some more practice.
  11. I was shifting to hi. I shift then let go of the line lock.
  12. It actually has the 100 shot on it now. I have yet to see where the stall is at. I will be testing that this weekend. Mine is setup with an arm button. the nitrous doesn't activate till it sees 100% throttle open. In the video I'm at like 3/4 throttle most of the time once you hear the rpms start to come up. when you hear the rpm really come up is when i went full open. I was really just trying to watch everything as it comes up and really concentrate on how things are supposed to happen. tried to stage and leave on the green but it was just happening all to quick for me so i just let the other guy go and did everything slow I haven't been on the track in like 6 years so i wanted to get comfortable with the car. This weekend i should be able to stage and launch it like I'm really racing. I will lite my second bulb first then when the opposite lane lites his i go full throttle on the nitrous that should be enough time to get everything hoppin.
  13. Here is the best slip of the day. Had 3 other runs very close to this one. 60 ft 1.348 330 ft 3.844 1/8 5.966 1/8 mph 115.72 1/4 9.33 1/4 mph 146.53 What do you guys think? is there more in it? After watching videos over and over i was for sure not letting it rev hi enough. sounds like it wanted to stall higher but i didnt give it time. Listen to where i realease the brake compared to the shift point.
  14. The way mine is activated off of throttle position. Wide open throttle with TB engaged. I was just playing with it to see how it reacts. I was getting braver and braver as the day went hence it going faster with every run. Watching the video I can for sure tell it wants to stall higher I just have to give it more time to do so . This weekend I want to see how high it will stall just sitting on the TB with the nitrous…. Then actually working on timing it with the lights. I’m thinking that I will stage first and as soon as the opposite lane lights the second bulb I will matt it and see if that is enough time to build the boost.
  15. I wait till i get 4 psi to build then i hit the nitrous. i tried it once right at the hit of the green and it didnt do as well. Hood scoop will stay on this car. this car is only a test bed for the drivetrain until i get hte red one finished. dont hold your breath on that >
  16. First of the nine second runs. this was the first one that the turbo really started to spool.
  17. Well had a very good night tonight. Started out slow wanted to get a feel for it but by the 5th run i was ready to put the hammer to the floor. Best run of the night was a 9.33 @ 146 mph video is loading of one of the almost full boost launches. Will psot when its done.
  18. Will have some tomorro as long as the weather holds.
  19. Well here are some pics of the engine in it’s final state along with all the other stuff installed for the final dyno tune. Not sure if the marren pulse damper is doing anything, we bought it before we fixed the fuel problem hoping it would help.
  20. http://www.partsamerica.com/ProductList.aspx?PartType=1&PTSet=A
  21. I think in my fram sucks thread there is a link to a cross reference link. im currently using a kn filter
  22. today last dyno run before going to the track. Factoring in 30% drive train loss for the glide, Dana 60 and 31 inch tires thats in the upper 780crank HP the 75 shot on the brake literal smokes the tires on launch and gets 22PSI!!!!!
  23. Little update.... fixed my miss !!!! The igniter doesn't like getting hot. It may be going bad but moving it to to the firewall away from the engine seems to have fixed it for now. On the dyno tonight we made 507rwhp at 19PSI. we were baby stepping it up in rpm and we got to 7000 rpm> SOOOO 507 rwhp @ 19 PSI and 7000rpm. tomorrow we plan on finishing the tun to 26 PSI all the way out to 9000 rpm. The engine is wicked smooth now and is running like a top. I cant wait to get it out to the track again !!!!
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