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How did you first find out about hybridz.org?


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Weird I wrote a post last night but it didn't show up...


Anyways, it goes something like this... I found Zcar.com when I was researching Zs when I was getting my license. Posted, liked the people, and stuck around (this was back when Blue, Tony D, Stonehenge69, and some other older guys posted a lot, and the forum was civil). Now it's full of n00bs that want everything spoonfed... and so much politics!!!


I lurked here for about a year (drooling over a v8 swap), and finally joined when I decided to MegaSquirt my turbo Z. I still frequent both forums, but mostly post here.


This place just has an awesome attitude a a wealth of info!!!:cheers:


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after watching the first fast and the furious, i was at work killing time and did a search on z cars and found terrys car site (blueovalz) and showed one of my coworkers that his little car can hold nothing to that. lurked around for a year or so doing "research" for a purchase. i have killed 3-4 reams of paper for my project car, all stashed away in the garage for when that section of the car come up. thanks everyone for info and inspiration.:mrgreen:



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I've been a gear head pretty much since I was 14, got my driver's license in Idaho and started driving my Dad's 69 Datsun PU.


I had a 260 back in 1984 just after I graduated from HS and loved it, but

had to sell it when I got married and had a kid.


After leaving the Airforce and moving back to WA state we moved into a house with a very small garage so I had no place to work on cars which was a bone of contention between my wife and I.


In 2003 we finally moved into a place with a very large garage so I started looking for a project car. I never forgot that 260 so decided to google for info on the "best" Z car and in the process encountered Hybridz. The idea of a V8 in a Z totally fascinated me and I just had to do the swap. I guess I can say that I've been obcessed with the project ever since.


This site is the best source of info on the net bar none, thanks all of you.



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I got my first Z back in 86, 16th b-day present from my dad, 1971 240 with a shortblock bought out of the Bob Sharp cataloge mated to a Janspeed head...sadly we have no clue where that car is now. Fast forward to the 90's and the growth of the internet, I had since been through several other Z's and was back in my roots, another early 240-Z. Became a member of z-home, and z-car, and the 240.org mailing list...lurked around here when it was just a V-8 swap site but never got involved. I cannot remember who pointed me here, Carl, Ron, Braap, but someone on ClassicZCars sent me here to get info on some suspension mods and I have never left. Thanks guys.

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My old manager used to always be posting on Freshalloy.com, he was a pretty cool guy who was trying to put a 2jz into an S13 (we fell out of touch, I don't know if it ever happened or not). I used to rag on him for being into car forums since I'd never seen one that had any kind of real tech info. While he was searching for 240sx stuff, I'd be googling Z car stuff on the other computer. I remember stumbling across JnJ's website, and thinking it was one of the craziest things I'd seen...I think I was reading one of the super long aero threads that was going on here, and some of the other interesting projects, and felt like I finally needed to try and be active in the Z community. I almost left after 1 fast Z inexplicably blew up at me for asking some questions about his DOHC project early on in my time here, but OTM and b_sosick talked me out of it. It's definitely my digital home now, that's for sure.

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I first heard about Hybridz when I bought my Z. The guy I bought it from told me to come check it out. It was right after I turned 17 and life was great, then 6 months later someone decided to hit me and total it. Now I search around Hybridz for answers to my questions, I only post if necessary. After all the stuff I hear about the other sites, I don't even want to go check them out.

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I was referred by local bud Dan (74_5.0L_Z). I had heard of hybridZ, but, being an L6 Turbo guy, didn't at first look beyond its V8 orientation.


so it is all your fault that I have ths money pit!!!


X2 - Damn you HybridZ for ideas and examples causing me to expand the scope of my project to beyond crazy!!!


I also met locals Scottie and ZGad, among many others including James (240ZTurbo), through HybridZ - You know, those hooligan gearheads that wives are suspicious of as being bad influences.


Great site, great people.

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In 1977, my neighbor disassembled his 73 240 and announced he was planning to install a V8 into it. It is still in his garage and he hasn't done it yet. I even offered to convert it for him but he says he wants to eventually make the conversion.


In 1999, I decided to but a Z and convert it to V8. I had no computer so no Hybridz. Bought a junkyard conversion at the Pomona Swap meet but didn't know where to begin. Neighbor told me about JTR. Completed the conversion and went racing, in the low 11's( before I got the turbos).


At the track various individuals kept asking me if I was A Hybridz member. Didn't know what they were talking about. Went to the local library, when I figured it out, and logged on. Became extremely irate upon discovering how much easier the whole conversion could have been if I had only known about this GREAT site earlier.


Thanks Super Dan, Owen, and the rest of you knowledgable old-timers.


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:D I think Owen was the culprit. Dan and a few of us were on his "swappers" site, and it outgrew that. Dan Porter picked up the ball, and 7 years (?) later here we are! From a handful to so many.


I'm grateful that so many have joined and given us their knowledge. If I were to build another, I'd do things ALOT differently - this place is such a great resource for the Z modder.

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Somehow, beyond my recollection, I bumped into Ross Corrigan many years ago when HybridZ was still young. He introduced me to HZ. Shortly after, again forgetting the details, Pete Paraska 'poked' me... resistance eventually became futility.

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David Spillman told me about HybridZ. We were discussing his Z car, and he mentioned the site. I just read and lurked for about a year before I joined and posted. Pretty soon checking in here became a daily thing.



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I was searching for "Will the JTR kit work with an LS1?" when...oh wait, that wasn't me.


Actually, I was spending all kinds of time trying to find info on coil-overs, brakes, strut sectioning, etc. at zcar.com. You know, that place where threads sink down into the nebulous archives after a day or so and there are always all kinds of arguments and almost no tech?


Much better info over here. I read for awhile before finally registering. I wonder what my first post was about? I'm guessing it was to do with strut sectioning.

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Clint (Stony) pointed me here right after I came back to the states from Okinawa Japan. He and I were stationed together. This was back in his FC days (remember Clint?) lol...


I had the Nissan bug already going since early 90's, started with owning Skylines then this happened:


Circa 1998 went for a ride in my first "full tune" S130 Z. She was nasty 3.1 liter, triple 50's, OS Giken Twin Plate to name a few.


Here we are pulling out for the ride:




After a 10 minute run at neck break speeds pulling back into the shop: Can't see my face but I am grinning from ear to ear. This was the moment that changed me forever. The sights, sounds and smells ahhhhh :



Here she is:






Anyways, I lurked around here after joining zcar.com left their and joined in 2000 and haven’t looked back since.



Thanks Clint!!!!

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Saw Darius's V8Z racing a bike on the net and remembered that the 240Z was my childhood dream car.


I decided I wanted a Z, a V8 one.

Started to look for info and by accident, I used the key words "v8, hybrid,z"


It bring me here.

Joined, read a lot, discovered that I can put a skyline engine in there.


Here I am today with an L24, an RB25T, complete bodywork, interior and harnesses, in my apartment, the shell in a friend's garage, 45 min. away (when there's no traffic) from home.


LONG LIVE HYBRIDZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rockon:

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Guest ProjectZ

Googled "280Z Car Club" after purchasing my Z's (just got them delivered today). I've gotten a lot of good information from other car forums for other vehicles that I own, so the first thing I did was go looking for one for these cars. :-D

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My older brother (who I bought the car from) told me about it. He had looked into a V8 swap but isn't too mechanically inclined so never started it. He also told me about zcar.com but I didn't like it there. I tought about keeping the L28 for a while and searched (gasp, what are the odds) there but didn't find anything helpful... so I came here :)

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Always admired the looks of the S30 Z cars (the Poor Mans Iron Corvette) but my first love was and still is for 63-67 Corvettes. I had Camaros and Firebirds but never got around to owning a Corvette. Fast forward to 1982 and I have a little money and a big desire to buy a used sports car and start shopping around. Find a beautiful stock 280Z for cheap money and bought it. Thinking I would drive it for a few years and then if I could buy a Corvette. Well I still have that 78 280Z and I was on the IZCC site for a long time and was doing tons of mods to the 280Z when I kept seeing a few V8 swap questions come by and Erik and a few others directing them to a site called HybidZ. I was also searching some links and found Pete's, Terry's and a bunch more websites of V8 swap owners, I was hooked! The prices for 63-67 Vettes was out of control by now and the V8 Z would give me equal performance I thought but affordable and it would be something I made which I love to build things so here I am just finally getting started after all these years.


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