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Addicted to the internet, What to do?


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Well I'm semi serious about this. I've just been thinking and I spend so much freaking time surfing the net. At work, at home, whenever I can. Its one of those weird things were its not really destructive, but just eats up a lot of my time. Does anyone else have trouble reading to much on car forums, ect?


I think I'm going to have to limit my time on the net some how. Its hard because I work on a computer, and I have a laptop at home...




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I am in a similar situation. I'm on the computer if there is nothing else to do...and many times, like now, there is nothing else to do. I read more on the internet than I ever read in print. I usually pick a topic and research the crap out of it. Sometimes it takes minutes, sometimes weeks. I have learned A LOT since the dialup days of compuserve many years ago.

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I am in a similar situation. I'm on the computer if there is nothing else to do...and many times, like now, there is nothing else to do. I read more on the internet than I ever read in print. I usually pick a topic and research the crap out of it. Sometimes it takes minutes, sometimes weeks.
i do the same thing. ive got two regular forums (this one, and another thats basically a giant OT section). if forums are slow ill pick a topic, usually one relating to my z or something for my z, and research it. this weekend's topic was chevy 350's, and now 383's. i've got three backup forums as well for when ive got absolutely nothing else to do.


How could I forget the biggest killer of my time.



ah, yes. youtube. always a great way to kill time, which i have a LOT of.
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I agree, and I've had a similar problem lol. If we could all turn off our computers and tv's we would finish those projects about 50X faster.


While the internet can be used as an awesome tool I think its mostly used a huge time waster. Face book, AIM, Forums, whatever I think most people just waste time online.


Another thing that I think about a lot is that forums decrease creativity. I sometimes try not to look around at other designs before I do something so i will be forced to come up with something more unique. Sometimes i think you learn more faster from getting out there and figuring out things for yourself then sitting online for hours hoping to find somebody else who has done it and can give you the info you need. This doesnt apply to everyting obviously but... maybe you get what im saying.


Crap im spending to much time online gotta get back to tv

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I can struggle with the problem as well. I deal with it by putting the laptop away (in the other room, in my backpack, whatever). Say I have a few minutes to relax before I need to start on some work: Instead of grabbing the laptop and getting sucked in, I'll just grab my ipod and a crossword or sudoku and relax for a few minutes. When I get bored or finished with one, there's nothing else to do there, and I can remember to move on to my real work, instead of spending hours in the black hole that is the internet. If I really need to use the computer for work but not the internet, I turn off my wireless card.

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Same here! I only have a dialup connection, so I can't watch videos, participate in gaming or download much of anything. Nor am I a member of any forums other than this one. But I spend "who knows how many" hours a day reading posts on this forum, following current events in online newspapers, and "researching" finance/investment. Lately, with the stock markets worldwide in a horrendous crash, I'm morbidly paranoid about the economy - mostly because I compulsively follow it online. And because even the most basic page takes so long to load, I idle away the time by playing solitaire or tetris.


At work it's a different but related problem: e-mail. Probably 3 hours a day is sunk into answering or "following up" on e-mail. People expect a carefully crafted response, so there is pressure to revise and polish one's writing, akin to essays in freshman English class. But most astonishing is that I don't mind this; quite the contrary, I enjoy writing long and flowery e-mails, and enjoy the "thank you" responses for thorough answers.


Electronic communication is indeed a great thing - if only we could attain moderation.

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I used to spend a lot of time online...

But with a track day this Saturday and my new bike project (72 Honda CL350) I haven't been online much...


The bike is almost down to a bare frame, just the triple tree, swing arm, and tires to go...


But now my back is killing me so I'll be around more....


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There is an add-on for Firefox users called MeeTimer. It keeps track of all the time that you spend online and files the website under different categories (ex. procrastination). It is supposed to help, but has not helped me any haha


Thanks I just downloaded that. Really its about balance and restraint for me. I'm on a bunch of different sites lately. I use the customized google homepage so no matter were I'm at I login to that and all my links are there. I guess it's a blessing and a curse.


Also, anyone use Gmail? The new discrete built in AIM chat is killing me. I've been using that way to much at work :)


Well it looks like I'm not the only one with these sort of issues. I really agree with Austin that looking and looking around the internet for ideas doesn't necessarily make you a more creative or better car builder. I usually come up with my better ideas when I'm at the shop away from the net.


Anyway, I've been procrastinating since 7 when I got home from work. I need doing homework for 2 classes for tomorrow that I haven't started on :)

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