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What's everyone doing for the memorial day weekend?


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Thanking and Remembering those brave men and women who fought, served and made the ulitimate sacrifice for my beautiful country.

Thank You for the freedom!


~God bless The United States of America!


I'll be drinkin beer!

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I was supposed to be vising Mom in Aztec, NM.... but the GF's ex managed to saddle us with a $25,000 tax debt from the period when they were still married. He is now back home in Syria and we are recovering from a month where the government decided we could afford living in spite of a $6000 pay cut per month. Plans for the weekend now consist of a BBQ and bonfire, and doing the string layout for a large deck addition to the house. Could be worse, and I am grateful it is not. Like many, my thoughts will also be with Veterans of past and present.

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This might be the weekend that my son learns to walk so I will be spending the whole weekend with the family. I plan to take the Z out and use it at least once a day for running errands around town. I'll probably show up at the regular Saturday night local car gathering at McDonalds. I also plan to test fly my newly built RC seaplane at the local lake. Hopefully I don't dunk it! The weather is looking PERFECT! 60-80 and pure sun for four days in a row! Maybe I'll lay in the hammock and have some BEER too.

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Working on my sprinkler system in my yard - multiple heads need to be replaced out of the 100 or so installed. Also need to be making runs hauling away trash the PO accumulated. Beautiful place and he turned a couple areas of it into dumps that I now have to reclaim.

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Driving 260 miles RT to pick up a tranmission tonight, going to the pick and pull tomorrow for the half off sale, helping my sister move, and flying to reno tomorrow afternoon to pick up a car. Probably just relaxing on sat and sunday. The air sure is smoky here with the santa cruz fires, so i probably wont make it to the beach.

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