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Oh My God. Its Snowing!!!


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Its snowing in Houston TX!!!!!!

Got some sleet/snow mix in Austin last night. Cut my quality time with the 'ol wiring harness short.


Supposed to freeze/sleet/snow again tonight.



For you non Texan's... We dont see ice much. Usually when we get a decent freeze they have to shut the whole blasted city down because none of the people in Austin know how to drive on ice. Or at all.

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I think it was winter 2002 that I was stationed at Fort hood when it froze from San Antonio north on I35 and they completely shut down the interstate. I was on 35 when three semi trucks got stuck on an uphill slope. Just as we got the ice chipped out from under the tires enough for them to get going again the state troopers pulled up and stopped everyone again and shut it down. I ended up waiting three hours for sand trucks that never showed. I got tired of waiting and pulled through the shoulder onto an access road to get back to another side highway to get home. It was a long trip at no faster than 35, but in a 2wd S10 I wasn't going to risk ice skating off the road into the woods and never being heard from again.

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Baton Rouge:



Once a decade.


WOAH! What happened Forrest? You guys have a plane crash nearby and the fire department spray runway foam on your cars and property to protect it from the fire spreading???


What is this 'snow' you guys speak of, anyway? It was 75 here today, and this morning it was 65 in SoCal:mrgreen:

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Joel, believe it or not - that was just the first light coating. It started coming down really heavily an hour later and my car was totally covered, but unfortunately my camera battery died. It was pretty amazing...last time it snowed here it didn't get nearly this deep. I saw about 100 snowmen on the way to LSU.


None of them stacked up against my neighbor's snoman though:


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When I was attending UT Austin for graduate school from 1994 to 1996, it snowed a few inches that winter with accumulation. There were over 800 accidents in a 24 hour period. While the news reporter was reporting the story on Mopac, you saw three accidents occur in the background.

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When I was attending UT Austin for graduate school from 1994 to 1996, it snowed a few inches that winter with accumulation. There were over 800 accidents in a 24 hour period. While the news reporter was reporting the story on Mopac, you saw three accidents occur in the background.

yeah, now they shut the entire city down any time there's a decent freeze.


People cant drive in this town...

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