Hey guys who posted negative about Jon and the Pinks win, 1st of all Jon had to set him out what was it 5 cars, Nos vs Motor, then 2nd pass Barney got what he asked for heads up on motor, then 3rd pass he got a car and a half, he wanted two on motor but only got 1 and 1/2.
It goes to show you, do not enter Pinks with a car that does not run. Barney said him self it is a 100 dollar engine, that is not Jon's problem. Barney was a all out race car big block with big slicks. Jon's little Z was a small tire car, but it hauled butt.
I met Jon at SEZ8 and he was a nice, friendly guy willing to help out others with his knowledge and was very outgoing. Do not speak badly at someone you do not know, you will only make fools of yourself in my opinion.
Jon's Z just was faster end of story.......
It was intimidating with a big crew that came with him with the head sets, I will agree on that........
John and Jerry