Isn't a church supposed to guide you through life decisions? What do they have to say in this matter? If you decide to relocate I am sure they will be sad however, you can keep in touch and they might help guide you into another church. What does your family say?
It seems like your boss likes you enough to offer you a position in Corporate with a move and raise. Not too many people out there like that so you must be doing something good for the company. I don't know how old you are or what your background is but you need to ask yourself:
• Is my church more important than my career?
• Do I want to grow in this company or stay status quo?
• Am I really married to Jesen Precast?
• If I stay in SF can I market myself and find another job with the same pay or better and happiness?
I don't know what the cost of living is like in SF compared to Reno. However, as some have commented already it seems SF is higher. I just reread your initial post and you said:
I think you have your answer my friend.
Most important advice I can give to you that I have used since I left the nest at 18, (I am 32 now) joined the military and now have a life of my own is: Always listen to your gut it will never let you down.