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Everything posted by jc052685

  1. Big ass hammer? Just knock it off there. Not much you can really damage.
  2. the factory automatic tranny has a flexplate spacer, yes, it comes off.
  3. We stoped the dyno run as soon as we noticed the misfire. I asume it was a slow blow that let a small amount of combusting gases past and into the next cyl untill there was enough loss in compression to cause a misfire. I drove it home about 5-6 miles only with the injectors to 3/4 disconected. Yes, this is what happens when the gasket material is burnt out from within the fire ring. +1mm over also it is meat to see fire on its inner most surface and to dissipate this heat with the other 2 faces. 14psi, did 309whp & 329ft/lb
  4. Ok, I agree with everything stated Paul. Now here is my question. From my arrows could one say the gasket was not corectly aligned with the bore? Thus causing the fire ring to be exposed the the cumbustion chamber directly.Then the fire ring could then become a "hot spot" being a direct cause of detination its self? It just looks to me like some of the fire ring was left exposed in the chamber....
  5. Ok, here is some pics of my recent HG failure and I am looking for some input on the cause of the failure. This gasket had about 6-7 miles on it before making 12 or so pulles on the dyno till there was a missfire. This was the cause. This failure is between cyl 3/4. I saw no sign of detination in the head or piston surfaces. However if you look at the last few pics there is some deformity in the gasket.
  6. WHAT? Recurculated what? The bov? it does not have to be recurculated, it does help though. However where you are resurcing it to is a bit confusing. There is a "popoff valve" on the factory turbo intake manifold. This could be leaking aswell. I think its time you posted some pics of your setup!
  7. Good weekend man. Nah, have not looked on H-I. Planning on having the car running in a few minutes:mrgreen:.
  8. Turbonetics 62-1 should support that power with less boost than a gt35r maybe.
  9. My money is on the BOV leaking under boost.
  10. Now are these "squirters" only on the L24 rod and not on the L28 rod? What kind of temp reduction would the piston see with these vs with out?
  11. Yup, bringing back a seriously old thread but, does anyone else have any input on this?
  12. holset is as cheap as it gets for ok performance....
  13. if your running SUs then a factory fuel pump should not starv them. Just replace it with the factory unit. How much fuel was in the tank when you were at the track? Might not had enough fuel in the tank for such a durration of throttle.
  14. I am in the 11's and running a junkyard engin. only mods. 440cc injectors 240sx tb mandrell 3" exhaust turbo upgrade fuel pump MSnS FMIC engine is internally stock
  15. Just needed the details really.... Current Times..... 240Z Turbo-------240z----------Powerglide---------Turbo-------------10.62@134.15 drzed------------74 260Z--------3N71B-------------Turbo-------------11.15@120.8 jgkurz-----------77 280Z--------T-5----------------Turbo-------------11.30@123.91 wigenout-s30-----77 280Z-------240sx5spd----------Turbo-------------11.80@120 thehelix112 ------72 240Z---------5SPD----------- Turbo --------------12.834 @ 115 rdelat----------- 79 280ZX--------5SPD?-----------Turbo --------------13.712@106.2 Trumpetrhapsody --74 260z--------240sx 5spd--------N/A--------------15.196@89.73 flatblack280 -----78 280Z---------5SPD?------=----- N/A --------------15.712@83.92
  16. I still have mine fore sale......$75 http://www.houston-nissans.com/index.php?topic=120.0 ..
  17. I will add my self once I get my new times.... Current Times..... drzed------------74 260Z--------3N71B-------------Turbo-------------11.15@120.8 jgkurz-----------77 280Z--------T-5----------------Turbo-------------11.30@123.91 wigenout-s30-----77 280Z-------240sx5spd----------Turbo-------------11.80@120 thehelix112 ------72 240Z---------5SPD----------- Turbo --------------12.834 @ 115 rdelat----------- 79 280ZX--------5SPD?-----------Turbo --------------13.712@106.2 Trumpetrhapsody --74 260z--------240sx 5spd--------N/A--------------15.196@89.73 flatblack280 -----78 280Z---------5SPD?------=----- N/A --------------15.712@83.92
  18. Should have yourself a 11 sec car there..... I dont think we need pics untill there is some question to the truth of the poster. Why lie about a 12 sec pass? Wont matter anyway cause I am sure the final list will be made up of 11's-10's and dare I say 9's?
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