I`ve been looking in to building a couple self storage buildings. MUCH better than renting houses with plumbing, electrical,ect to go wrong, and very little maintanance.
Depending on the prevailing rate, you should be able to average 40.00-50.00 per unit, per month. Thats 6400-8000 a month even if you figure 200 units at only 80% capacity.
In you area there are probably quite a few of these already, but you can always count on more people buying more stuff.
Every new apartment complex that goes up, is a new market. Just send out flyers to the residents of ALL of the existing apartment complexes, and new ones being built. In the flyer you could use several tactics to sway them to switch over to yours.
I would price them at about 5.00-10-00 lower per month than the competition and/or offer the first month free with a copy of their last month paid recipt from another facility.