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About ihavearustedz

  • Birthday 10/29/1985

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    San Diego, Ca

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  1. These are not the original logos but in the spirit of contributing to the cause, I'd like to offer something that might be of help. Back when I dabbled in graphic design, I remixed our logo using different typefonts, and I thought it might come in handy for anyone looking to design the shirts. Feel free to modify it, enhance it, or use it as-is, or not at all – it's entirely up to you. btw the original logo can be view here : HybirdZ.pdf
  2. Congrats on all that work! I know what its like to invest so much time and effort & then FINALLY drive your car. I'm stoked for you! Enjoy!!! Almost forgot, the car is looking good!!!
  3. The cover looks like it fits well, great job! I understand the rough finish, im not concerned at all. Im also in no big rush for these parts, but let me know when they are available and ill be happy to send payment for a set
  4. i would be interested in a upper & lower cover, raw finish
  5. hope this helps. i found this in the fsm. 1971 datsun 240z manual supplement.pdf
  6. FWIW, I bought the tail light/rear body panel for a 240z and honestly was quite impressed. They seem to be a quality part. I would expect the same for the hood/hatch. I personally would buy from them again
  7. @Deano IIRC this is the video that helped me understand wiring a hazard switch up with a universal harness.
  8. I haven't needed to do so myself but have you thought about using a universal floor mounted dimmer switch? They are readily available just about anywhere for cheap
  9. Whitley tune. https://www.whitleytune.com/sports-injection
  10. Not quite 22 years but still wrenching on the same z since 2007! 🙃 Happy bday to HybridZ!
  11. no modifications are needed for the injectors to fit into the plenum. Like Enginerd81 said, a fuel rail from pallnet is all that is needed. iirc, the 240sx tb works with stock linkage but will require the spacer. and if im not mistaken, you do not need the spacer if converting to cable
  12. I sure think so! Hybridz continues to be a site i visit daily. Now that i think about it its been 10+ years that ive been hitting that "unread content" button. lol Happy Birthday Hybridz!
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