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Everything posted by RB26powered74zcar

  1. Your design is also very nice Kevin. I think you will have a fine product to offer, especially after all the smart guys here on HybirdZ chime in and add their ideas of whats wanted/ needed... I really hope this gets off the drawing board, and onto some of these bada$$ Z cars we have here...
  2. Very nice Yasin!! I think you'll be able to sqeeze it in there just right.... Will you have to punch some holes in the rad suport? I can't tell in that pic. I think it would look great with black wrinkle powder coating on the end tanks...
  3. I really, really like that design Austin!!
  4. 26 starter yes, but the HKS twin has its own flywheel...
  5. Yep... same here. I had some FWD wheels on mine (sig pic) for a long time, and received many complaints, until I put the CCW's on.
  6. Not that one. The belt tensioner is shown in the first pic, its the small round pully wheel that the belt is hanging off of...
  7. Thats my exact set up... HKS twin pusher/ rb25det trans. Yes, early 26's had the push clutch...
  8. This is the best I can do for you, they were taken off a 76 parts car.... Click em
  9. Check out this ebay seller>> http://motors.search.ebay.com/_W0QQfromZR9QQfromZR9QQfrppZ25QQfsooZ2QQfsopZ2QQsassZracecityQ2dpartsQQsspagenameZSTRKQ3aMEFSRCHQ3aSRCH and maybe you can buy one already made up thats close to the length you need. I bought most of mine from him, at a fair price. It may be less hassle for you in the long run... EDIT Here is a good example of a good price (to me) >>http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Goodridge-710-braided-hose-An-16-21-w-st-ends_W0QQitemZ150106971334QQihZ005QQcategoryZ33601QQtcZphotoQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. Thats what I call customer service!! Kevin, I really appreciate how you have kept me 100% informed on all the various options avail with your ITB product for my needs. I encourage any one else, thinking of using Extrudabody ITB's, to contact Kevin. He will fill you in on what can be done for your particular app. With this said, I regret having to say, I might have to pull out of the great deal you've given me on a set up for my rb26dett motor, due to unforeseen personal issues. So any one else thinking about trying these ITB's out on their rb motor, give Kevin a hollar.... he'll explain in detail whats needed for your app.
  11. I would think long and hard before you do that to your Z.....
  12. You can just put fittings into the pan for the turbo oil drain back And, for the block fittings, I just JB welded AN fittings into the OEM drain pipes, as I did here, and on the front turbo This is my head oil drain (top fitting) and my oil pumps external pick up from inside the trap doors in the pan (bottom fitting)
  13. They will both swap out into either model Z. The front windshield is laminated glass, which will easily crack, so be very careful with it. The rear hatch glass is tempered glass, which will take a hellofa blow w/o breaking (except along the edges)...
  14. Once again Austin, well deserved props to ya....
  15. How much you wanna bet its JT's rbz spanking that Viper last year....
  16. It does.... but have you noticed yet, I'm kinda into custom intake/exhaust parts. (I still have all the oem ITB stuff, just want something special)
  17. Thanks Kevin!! I sent you the Beta Program payment, and the rb26 intake and ITB's to use as a pattern. We should have a working set up to show off to everyone, soon as you get up and running with the first batch of Extrudabody ITB's. I can't wait to see how they look/perform on the rb motors... Please keep me and everyone here updated as you progress with the fabrication of your ITB's... thanks - joel
  18. This should be very close to the 74's vacum lines. click
  19. isthisallonesentence?tryusingsomepuncuationasifindithardtoreadyourquestion....
  20. Your end caps are too deep. They have two or three different depth end caps out there, you must have the extra deep ones. If you have a diffshop, or axle shop close by, take a ride over and show them. I did that when I ran into that issue, and picked up a pair of end caps that were 1/2 that thick (the protruding part).
  21. That looks exceptional Aux!! Thats my next project also. Great job man....
  22. I have a brand new pair of MM rear CA's, never installed, that I will trade strait up for a pair of these... These are much more appealing to me...
  23. The 81-83 N/A ZX 5spd will bolt right up to the block, but the driveshaft and the yolk & diff flange are a non bolt on fit. The trans mount (cross member mount) will not work either with out mods.... You will also need a shifter that goes with the N/A trans, as the T-5 shifter is different. Anything else you guys can think of to help this guy out with...??
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