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Everything posted by m4xwellmurd3r

  1. whoa. I love he designed the legs. however,it could use some adjustments probably to get it turning better (maybe some nikes or chucks haha) VERY awesome find!
  2. that rotor in the wheels still good right? RIGHT?!?! T_T
  3. and this proves that raccoon's have heads like cinder blocks. squirrels though, they're like stuffed animals. meat filled stuffed animals that go chip chip.
  4. wow, i think once i get my car and start saving up for parts, i might have to pick one of these up haha.
  5. I think it's a combination of the flares and the rim size.
  6. That's one helluva body kit (or one wimpy ass bear )
  7. I meant just so i wouldn't all of a sudden see raccoon carcass all over the screen without warning haha. put a link that says "ZOMG RACCOON MEAT" then I'll click it!!
  8. holy crap man. at least it wasn't a DEER my dad hit a deer with his 68 karmann ghia. tore it up pretty good (luckily it didn't hit hard enough to do serious damage, but enough to where the front clip needs to be replaced, still drivable) I'm glad your pictures don't have the poor guy in it.....that'd be gruesome
  9. I THINK his idea was to increase the blades surface area, to make it spool up faster by having bigger blades. interesting idea, horribly executed.
  10. the only thing i can think of is find a way for the intake to get more air. it helped my dad's car a bunch after we put on the bigger carbs (wouldn't go faster than 13.00, and wouldn't go slower than 13.02) after we raised the decklid on his bug, it broke 12.8 and kept going faster with adjustments (after a few changes in the cam and intake, it's fastest run is an 11.96 at 107) another thing (i'm not sure if you can) but changing out some of the glass for lexan/plexiglass would lose a ton of weight. especially the rear glass.
  11. o_O did doc decide to try to cash in on the model T and bring one back from then 1900's???
  12. http://lh3.google.com/NewZMan2/RtsvEoTxEHI/AAAAAAAAAMc/x45-9dEeOLA/PICT2950.JPG?imgmax=800 he means that picture
  13. What about brake parts cleaner? I've used that before to clean off all sorts of things. Usually engine blocks that are old and crusted with oil.
  14. I've never been a fan of those super white and blue headlights. everytime I had to pass a car with them, I was blinded by them for several seconds, which is EXTREMELY dangerous driving through forests with no lights but your own. Yellow spectrum lights are much easier on the eyes, and you can still see just as much. the difference is your brain thinks it's much brighter, even though you still have the same visual range.
  15. he reminds me of planet of the apes
  16. I love "Slow Children Ahead" signs are the best. But, I hate "Bridge Ice's Before Road" signs. I read them as "Road Bridges Before Ice" I almost can't read them like normal.
  17. OHHHHH I see what happened. He forgot that when you go from Yen to USD, you have to move the decimal left 2 space.
  18. i ebt he could brake pretty well. since his arms haev wheels, and the ones on his chest/back are the kind that pivot, he could probably just angle his arms inward and use them as brakes, or just rub against the armor he wears. (he could do the same with the backs as well)
  19. the 810 is a 4 door sedan. the pickup in that ebay ad though, is the Datsun 620 pickup. bit of info http://home.sprintmail.com/~cathbrown/doug/pickup.html it uses a 4 banger, soo there might be a problem with dropping in an i6
  20. When I first saw him, I remember thinking "so it IS possible to do that!" I always wondered if it was possible to make a roller suit and ride around like you would on a street luge ^^
  21. haha, love his little faint "drifts" XP (when ever he shifts sideways to the outside to slow down, then shifts the other way to turn ^^) I remember seeing a thing on tv about that a LONG time ago http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/faster-faster/video-of-rollerman-racing-against-600cc-sportbike-spoiler-he-wins-287158.php watch the first vid. he races against a 600cc motorcycle
  22. oh, no no no,i meant going with parts that would be stock on the different engines, instead of aftermarket hi performance parts. I know i'm going with the ld28 crank and 240z rods, but i'm not quite sure which pistons to go with. i'll need 88mm pistons with the right pin hight to get me in the neighborhood of 9:1 compression ratio. a lot depends on which head the 240 i'm getting has. I'll have to wait and see which one it has. (is there a stamping on the head for the model?) I know as a fact the car i'm getting doesn't have the stock head. the head on it gives less compression, but apparently it performs a bit better, so i would have to assume it means a bigger combustion chamber with larger valves. the E88 doesn't have much bigger valves compared to the E31, so I'm thinking it might be an N42/P90 funny thing, the site you gave me, i've had bookmarked for a month ^^ I'm not really looking for cost savings, but if the car i'm getting has a good set of internals, i'll rebuild the engines and put new rods in it (i've never liked the thought of putting used rods in an engine) and have the head rebuilt. i'll deffinetly get stronger rods if i can find them. thanks for the help. I've already decided to do this engine build in the next couple years. that way i can save up a massive amount of money to build a nice l24 turbo
  23. geezuz! look at those freaking mach diamonds!! the really crazy thing, that LITTLE (yeah it is actually small, it's attached to a big white bulkhead from the looks of it) is putting out 7.5k lbs of thrust
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