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Everything posted by PanzerAce

  1. Wow thanks! Thats what im talking about:burnout: NP. Looks like only one or two seeders right now, which means it'll be awhile before its done, but hey, atleast it means that all of the eps are subbed.
  2. Oh damn, looks like once it hit the half way point or so the flood gates just opened. Here is 19-26 subbed: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=47091
  3. What, pray tell, do the valves have to do with how much you can compress the intake charge? And something tells me that this 40CI radial probably was spinning to the moon or something.
  4. The point is though that it doesn't appear that these are circular valves.
  5. Seems like they are in the same situation as these guys: http://www.coatesengine.com/ where they have an idea, but since nobody big is using them OEM, they don't really have traction. The Decuir system though I don't get, is it still a reciprocating assembly?
  6. try these guys (assuming you haven't already): http://zcargarage.com/
  7. I know someone else has that intake. I think it was 280Zforce....
  8. Photos for my area were all taken during a summer when I was at work or something. Can see my roomates car, but no Z
  9. Ok, cool, that makes things easy.
  10. On a related note, I'd like to get a set of spare keys for my Z *before* I lose my current set. I assume the key code is the code stamped on the key that is a letter and then four numbers, correct?
  11. Don't suppose you have a table or something that has that info? Or if you know if *any* '73 240Zs came with a cat (Dunno if there was a Cali model that did).
  12. Also, I personally would rather have warmer coolant than warmer oil...
  13. Um, maybe I'm just completely out of the loop, but since a 240 should be pre-75, you aren't driving an emissions controlled vehicle, and thus by *my* understanding of CARB regulations should be exempt from having to worry about inspections, since it doesn't matter if you have non-CARB approved parts on the car, since you don't fall under CARB jurisdiction anyways.... Unless I'm completely off base, in which case, someone let me know (In other words, I'm thinking that you have to follow federal smog stuff, which should just be cat + muffler, but you shouldn't have to follow CA stuff, which is what the under hood inspections are all about). Also, cops that I've talked to about under hood inspections (which I've had), have told me that it often has more to do with looking for contraband rather than what engine/engine mods you have.
  14. How did the Arisakas stack up against the Garand action? IIRC, didn't they once try to blow them up, but they ran out of case capacity before they managed to actually destroy the action?
  15. What does age have to do with it? I know people with original 30-40 krags or trap door carbines that they still shoot. Though I do agree you should get the headspace checked.
  16. For me, last year when it was down to about 9 degrees out. Getting to be that time of year again, tonight finally broke 32....only going to get colder from here on out...
  17. Well, the reason I say that is partly so that you can't come sue me if it blows up for whatever reason. If it was my rifle, I'd go shooting, and just make sure to have good glasses on. IIRC, that article mentioned that they broke some of them by pressure testing them on way over charged rounds, which says to me that not only is it hit or miss if it even blows up, but that most of the problems are going to be ammo related. And when I say light commercial, I basically mean don't go shooting any 200+gr soft points designed for bears. Stick with mil ball and similar, and I'd be willing to be you'll be fine. Also, some other thoughts: Advice is worth what you paid for it (though this works against me as well). And most 'collectors' barely shoot anyways, and those that do likely either have a 'beater' rifle that they shoot, or they aren't shooting the early ones so that they can sell them later. The fact that the USMC used 'low number' Springfield in combat without failure would also lead *me* to decide to go for it. Heck, that document earlier states that of 30 something Springfield receivers that failed, FOUR of them (over 10%) were because of using the WRONG CALIBER, which most likely would have destroyed even a 'high number' receiver.
  18. *rolls eyes* Did you even read the article? Less than 70 failures in over 1 million rifles. AND many of the problems could be traced to terrible ammo quality. Shoot light commercial rounds and it'll probably be fine. And you ever notice that all the 'masters' have a different opinion?
  19. Does it have any arsenal marks on the barrel/receiver? It *might* have been worked over so that it won't go kB on you (though I don't remember what exactly the problem is with the early '03s). Edit: After reading that article linked earlier, I'd say go ahead and shoot it, just make sure you don't use any of the hotter commercial loads.
  20. fixed it for ya And actually, what's an easy way to tell if the miles have rolled over? my odo reads 57k, but I don't know if it really is 57k, 157k, or even 257k...
  21. Oh hey, it's 4am, I've been up since 6am yesterday, and I still need to write ~4 pages for this stupid class. eh, it's all done by tomorrow...today...whatever
  22. Those always end up being the same for me 34 degrees out and drizzling? I'll have the driver side window rolled down. 115 degrees, haven't seen a cloud in a month, -20% humidity? Only difference then is I've got the footwell vents open and the passenger side window down
  23. I'm not even sure which direction on my switch is *supposed* to activate the rear defroster, all I know is that it's never come on.
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