Um, maybe I'm just completely out of the loop, but since a 240 should be pre-75, you aren't driving an emissions controlled vehicle, and thus by *my* understanding of CARB regulations should be exempt from having to worry about inspections, since it doesn't matter if you have non-CARB approved parts on the car, since you don't fall under CARB jurisdiction anyways....
Unless I'm completely off base, in which case, someone let me know
(In other words, I'm thinking that you have to follow federal smog stuff, which should just be cat + muffler, but you shouldn't have to follow CA stuff, which is what the under hood inspections are all about).
Also, cops that I've talked to about under hood inspections (which I've had), have told me that it often has more to do with looking for contraband rather than what engine/engine mods you have.