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Everything posted by jakeoster

  1. Now I'm just trying to decide which one to get. It's between the Ross Nexus and the Ross Metal Jacket. I think I might be leaning towards the Nexus though because it's not as expensive as the metal jacket. Nexus: http://rawbrokerage.com/Ross-Tuffbond-Nexus-Harmonic-Balancer-RB25DET-306101.htm Metal jacket: http://rawbrokerage.com/Ross-Metal-Jacket-RB25DET-Harmonic-Balancer-306201.htm As for a used oem, I've learned several times not to cut corners on an RB. It always seems to come back and nip you in the butt. I figure it would be wise to spend some money on a rotating mass like this
  2. No dice anyway, they dont carry them for the RB. I gave it a looksee.
  3. Hate to sound like a pessamist but it just kind of seems like a gimmick to me like those turbo zet things. There isn't any harm in it but I don't think the plenum will really have that much of an effect on the temp. If there is an effect I'd imagine it would be minuscule and not worth the wrench time and $100 or so asking price. If it really is good for 10hp and can be shown I will eat my words though and consider it.
  4. Well the other day I was working on a few things on the Z and I was visually reminded of how damaged my harmonic dampner is. Here's an older picture of it... There are considerable chunks missing out of it. I was looking around and the options seem to be either a Ross or an ATI. I was leaning more towards the Ross as it's more available. Now they run about $500, I was wondering if this issue is in dire need of fixing or not. It must be causing some kind of vibrations but does it take first priority over say a turbo that leaks quite a bit of oil into the intake side of the engine? Thanks for the guidance.
  5. Go down to the junk yard and get what you need. You'll need a pedal, master cylinder, hardline, and I'd buy a flex line running from the slave to the hardline new. It might be a pita to get the hardline because they can tend to strip easy (my experience) but it's worth a shot. Get acquainted with the junk yard as it'll save you some bucks on these off parts. You can buy a master cylinder refurb at most auto stores if needed. If all else fails I'm sure some members on here could get what you need sold to you. Sorry if myself and the other guys come off as harsh, we tend to get more then a few people who just come in and ask a bunch of questions with no real intention of doing the swap.
  6. Here's my old build... 75' 280z with an RB25DET swap using McKinney stuff. Might be a decent guide as to what must be done. http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/topic/67513-my-100-280z/
  7. Buy a quality one imo. Ive seen the effects of a "shaved" one that completely denotated on Skylines Australia and it was total carnage. I'd pay a few hundred just for the piece of mind alone.
  8. To save you a bit of time as this is kind of an off question; 1.it doesn't matter if your Z is auto or manual. You cut the ears that hold up the 280z tranny off completely. The McKinney mount mounts up the rb trans differently. 2.you can use the tank but don't even think about the fuel pump. A Bosch, summit, or walbro efi pump is a must. Search for more on that if needed.
  9. I'm twenty, on my second build. I started the first one when I was junior in high school. Didn't get it running till after I graduated mostly due to the expense. However, due to my crap crx I had gotten for free, a part time job, a lot of patience, and no other life expenses at that time in my life it was not an issue. One of the reasons I urge guys like you who are getting their feet wet with the RB to seriously consider it, it's not a cheap swap like it seems on the surface. A lot comes up. Unless you got a lot of skills and a means to fabricate. Even then it's pricey.
  10. Now that's my idea of a grocery getter
  11. Maybe go with an L28et? That's more or less "made for the car" and is considerably cheaper. You'll see some good gains as well. As for the RB this forum has all the info you need, please search before posting though as this is a very standard question. Not trying to be a jerk or nuthin as we all started somewhere, but your posts so far seem to indicate that your not as confident in your abilities as you should be when undertaking such a project. Like a few others have said, give it some thought before diving in.
  12. This has been covered many many times.... Search dude.
  13. If you need physical help, don't buy anything till you can find some. Ain't any fun to have a pile of expensive toys looking at you in your garage and not being able to use them. Just some guidance. Other then that you can find pretty much everything you need to know by searching the RB section. All technical questions have been answered or can be answered.
  14. I think that getting a used engine will always come with some risk. As for best place to get an engine; I don't think there is one. It's all kind of a crap shoot. However it seems that some places are better sources than others. Just remember to do your research and remember that if you pay peanuts, expect monkeys.
  15. I remember hearing a long time ago (I considered doing this) about a Japanese magazine that did the 26 itb plenum swap to either a 20 or a 25 and tested it and it actually lost power. Jun used to supply a bracket for putting it on if I remember. I don't think the 90 degree bend affects it much. The stock 20 and 25 plenum actually flows pretty well. You'll probably see a little bit better throttle response. Most people do the plenum for asthetic reasons or to fit a bigger top mounted turbo with a lot less fuss.
  16. Hey sweet build. Thanks for posting about the s tec manifold. I've been searching for a quality manifold that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. How much hacking as to be done to get the wastegate to work with our LHDs? Thanks
  17. Clean car! I user to have. green 75' 280z. Will keep an eye on your build.
  18. Nope, no spacers were needed. The wheels are 16" Panasports.
  19. Well, I got the Arizona Z car brakes on.
  20. My 0.02, don't spend the money/effort on the miata. Would hate for it to become a hold up if it doesn't work out.
  21. On a separate note, she looks flawless. You got a real attention to detail and it shows.
  22. I'd be careful with that Mines ECU man. They are kind of a Japan only thing as Mines is the only ones who can deal with them. They are also mapped for much higher Japanese octane fuel then we got here in Cali. Also there's no way to know exactly what it's tuned for. For all you know the seller could be making parameters and the fact that it's for a non turbo up. I wouldn't chance it... Just my .02 cents.
  23. Nice looking speedo there. Got a nice oem look to it.
  24. Arizona wilwoods came last night. I'd say they'll suffice
  25. Arizona wilwoods came last night. I'd say they'll suffice
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