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Everything posted by Cruez

  1. Here is the post about heat shielding... http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=13647&highlight=
  2. The head design mainly... The L6 is a dated engine.. The supra engine is fairly new.... the head design is better...
  3. Z's are notorious for exhaust seeping in from the hatch area... Check all the seals around the hatch, in the taillight covers...etc.. Its because of the car's aerodynamics....
  4. I took the Z up to NB, Canada around 1990 on vacation.. I came back from an outdoor concert and I parked the car beside the ocean underneath a streetlight by itself... great backdrop.. ... anyway, there was about 12 people standing around my car around 16-20ish old. When I walked up they were asking all kinds of questions ...including a guy that asked if it was a Porsche... I should have taken a picture that day...I loved it
  5. I'm with Jim.. I like the smell of the old Z... Ozium works great though.... like he said, for smells in the air...
  6. A good spray paint should take care of it..like KRYLON (rust preventer) Just make sure to scuff them up pretty good with some sandpaper to get it to stick to the chrome..
  7. ZXT has CV joints... Much stronger..
  8. hmmm. I wonder what the reserve is... Looks like a fairly old turbo setup...
  9. Cruez


    Good stuff to hear.... I have been following the progress of your car for a while..... Even before I found this site, I actually emailed you a while back for some info now.... we need pics
  10. I don't see any advantage to it..... Unless, you have a vapor lock condition, which is caused while the car is sitting after a run.... but you could fix that problem with a timer that would circulate the fuel a couple cycles after the car has been shut off..
  11. I'll try the copper permatex deal.... because It looks like the flange on that ex port is not quite flat... I pulled the old gasket off and it was the Nissan part with the metal backing.... (thats what I thought I bought ) I am going to go ahead and replace all the studs, nuts and washers since I didn't do it last time...
  12. Hmm... Their site must have farted when I tried to go there....
  13. I am working with the same thing now..... I am keeping the shield (N42 intake) and having it ceramic coated.... anything to keep the heat at bay... I'm sure header wrap would work well also....
  14. another update.. Finished up the intake yesterday.... Matched the new TB to the intake and removed the lumps inside the runners and behind the TB. Quite a bit of work went into the intake... For those who are considering the 240SX TB conversion... its not really a "bolt on" upgrade... you have some machining to do to get any results from it. Also I don't have the airflow meter bottleneck either..... and I don't know how you would get around it on a stock FI Z. Of course now, my air passage and filter will not work since I upped the size of the TB... Intake and some other misc items going to get powder and ceramic coated today..... Hopefully some finished pics next week
  15. Umm.. I was looking at this thread and it seems that zcar creations site is dead... Anyone got some suggestions on what to replace the fuse links with??? What amperage are the links.... and do you know of any blocks that you can buy to replace that old stuff...??
  16. What about an updated version...??? Not sure whose car I just used though....
  17. update.. One of the throttle towers are off, (battery ran out on the recip saw) Finish it off tommorrow. Cold start injector port removed, all unneeded screw bosses are gone. Taking it tuesday to have the holes welded up, and a small portion where the cold start injector was. Intake work pics here
  18. I thought I had it all setup... no start though... Pulled the fuel rail off and three of the injectors were not firing... That problem is fixed... all injectors firing now. Finishing up making the fuel rail and shaving the intake.... Hopefully I'll have the parts ready to go to powder coating the first of the week (found a nice mixed blue hammered finish color ). Then I can put it all back on and see if she fires up.... couple weeks maybe....if all goes well I can't wait to here her run again......
  19. repost.... http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=20448 but I guess some of us haven't seen it
  20. I noticed when I took the intake off of the engine there is a small amount off soot around the # 2 exhaust port. I believe (can't remember) the gasket I had on before was a stock nissan gasket... I have heard the Felpro gasket seems to be a little better, Anyone got any suggestions on the gasket???
  21. thanks... I think I use the stock regulator until I have the haltech programmed as close as I can get.... then, if needed, change it to an adjustable one. Once upon a time I had a Jetronic injection manual..... No idea what happened to it Is there any spec sheets on the stock 280Z injectors around?..
  22. Cruez

    flip up nose

    Nifty mod Perry... how close was the airdam when its up?
  23. I was going to dig up a TB off a 240sx, I want to have it in hand before I remove the towers on the intake so I can figure out how to run the new throttle cable... and to browse around for some other misc stuff..
  24. Holy crap..... Someone had some time on their hands....
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