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Everything posted by Cruez

  1. Here is the story behind it... Story
  2. Might have been low on oil... the rockers will sound like that if starved for oil.
  3. I didn't see it posted anywhere here..... unless I just missed it.. Very cool... http://www.gafcentral.com:8080/stuff/honda_120seccog_mill_wide.mov no camera trickery..
  4. You did thte right thing... The bastard deserves it.
  5. Thats terrible... I also, used to get under the car with just a hydraulic jack. I use jack stands along with the jack and rock the car to be sure. I guess you DO learn things with age....
  6. That site is, well...kinda crappy... If its concept cars... why is there no Nissan Mid4 in there?
  7. Wow.... That is one very nice project going on there... I never thought about changing the entire dash ! Nice wheels too.
  8. Holy crap.... all of that in that little bitty car?
  9. There are 10 or so newer Highway patrol cars for sale at the DMV near me in NC. Looks like they sell instead of auctioning them there...
  10. must be your machine... working fine here
  11. I just noticed this post..... but that is BullsH!t.. I agree the legal system is falling apart and has been for quite a while. It should not be a crime to own ANY firearm... I don't care what it is... unless you are intentionally hiding it...(wouldn't have to if it were legal anyway) 99.9 % of people who commit crimes have the guns illegally anyway. Its all crap... Try to keep your head up....I know it seems impossible. Hell, I'm not sure if I could either...
  12. Well, I kinda got mine for free New in the box... Guy bought it for another car and got the wrong one....and he just never sent it back An I got it... I think the COD info is still on the box....
  13. Yup, got pressure.. The two second prime is working... I took off the disributor and turned it by hand so I can hear the spark and the injectors firing... Looks like I'll have to pull the injectors and have a looksee. Hell, since I'm taking them off I mightas well put on my new fuel rail.
  14. OK. Did a little working on the car on Friday night... I now have spark and the injectors are firing... but not releasing any fuel. I tried a couple maps with no change.... Could if be possible that all 6 injectors are gummed up???....seems a little strange
  15. What amazes me is that.. I lost my licence in 97 for driving while suspended...for a year...because of an out of state speeding ticket that automatically suspended my license for a 30 days....Which I had no idea about that (RULE)... never got anything in the mail either... Needless to say, I could NOT get a priviledged license to drive to work, BUT someone with a DUI could....what kind of crap is that????!!?
  16. Need another reason not to drink a drive?? http://www.expressen.nu/html/bildarkiv/Saburido.htm Here is the story.. http://www.austin360.com/aas/specialreports/jacqui/index.html
  17. Electrical = PITA I would start by using an ohmmeter to start to find the short.. Look at the manual to find out what wires go where...then its just a matter of luck and time...
  18. Just a normal E6. Its more than a few years old I noticed after what you posted that yours has a few settings mine doesn't have.... I still haven't had a change to check again, I have been trying to get things together for the new house....final inspection is tommorrow (Fri).... But I need to try to get it going, I would like to drive it to the new house under its own power...
  19. Hey Shadow... Mine is a earlier E6, and I'm pretty sure its a bit different than yours.... soo... not sure about your wiring...
  20. Look at the dude in the background.... Nice 'fro...
  21. I have been wondering about the swap myself.... What about a manual tranny?... is there a toyota trans that will bolt on?? Have all the Lexus V8's been the same??? or is there specific year models? if so, here is an engine lexus v8
  22. hmmm I'll have to take a look at that... It seems that I ALWAYS end up losing the 10, 12 and sometimes 14 mm sockets...
  23. Should have been styled like a BMW Z8
  24. Not yet, since the car has been sitting a while, I went ahead and drained all the gas, changed the oil....etc... I am also in the middle of trying to get final inspection on my new house... so I'm juggling alot of crap at the same time... New house... (semi old pics)
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