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Everything posted by stony

  1. Rc car diff gear is usually plastic with ballbearing and spring pressure determines how tight it holds. If you spin on wheel you will melt the diff. Figure out some way to direct drive the dyno like some real dynos do on the rear hub or like a motor dyno does.
  2. any updates???? here's one on mine... none. Im about to go somewhere else in progress isnt made in 2 weeks from now. Heres how its looked now for over 2 months.
  3. i see now.... looks good. i couldnt see the larger pics and it looked like wheels were photochopped. nut i see now. thats gonna be a badass Z car.
  4. I'm assuming the top 2 pics a photochopped. the 3rd pic is the "current state as of june 04" I would be interested in how it actually turns out. I could only access the first page so if there are completed pics disreguard my comments :>
  5. Good luck BTW and remember wheel spin is your friend :>
  6. HAHA that sounds so familiar... i betcha if i did a search i could find one of my original post where i said something very close to that. Now here i am with a potentially 700+rwhp motor 2 speed glide' date=' and the car looks like this. [img']http://hybridz.org/nuke/modules/coppermine/albums/userpics/10313/normal_DSC00079.JPG[/img] It's an addiction. someone should form a group to treat this sickness.
  7. too bad hs is still using stock stub shafts. I amagine about the time i finish my solid rear install someone will come up with a bullet proof stub shaft upgrade
  8. hmmmm moving the motor off center to clear the steering column???? thats sounds like bad juju. and holy cow i hope those are just sample headers so theycan build a jig and do some quality welds
  9. The flange being refered to is the diff to driveshaft flange. It has to be replaced with a flnage off the same diff that the driveshft came from
  10. well heres the story The guy here in alaska has changed his plans. he owns the setup and in fact hasnt even been pulled from my car yet. He asked me to put an ad here for him. He owns a local shop here and can get shipping pretty cheap thru a consolidator. Anyways here's the add. He is not willing to split it up at this time. http://hybridz.org/nuke/modules.php?op=modload&name=zClassifieds&file=detail&cat=65&de=688
  11. I bought a custom chromoly setup (driveshaftshop.com) for a my car last year. it was modded to except Z31 sub shafts and brakes. they only cost 500 bucks and they were a custom length. Guess what. i still broke stub shafts!!!!!! If you are planning on drag racing you wont go much faster then a hi 10 low 11s with the stock stubs. People have gone faster with v-8 auto setups but once i saw how easy the stubs can shear i'd be real scared to be running them in anything faster then a mid 11 sec car. i wont even get in a car with drum brakes anymore at the track. with drums the wheel will fall off if the stub breaks. anyways im kinda partial so take it for whats it worth.
  12. Since you are in aus maybe just call them they take forever to reply. i bought my powerglide adapter thru them. Aks if the mounts set the motor to the rear and as low as possible. or if the just dupicated the z31 rb mounts. thanks Stony
  13. BTW did you get video of the maden voyage? keep us posted. BTW all you rbswapper wannabes This is the way to go if your in the US. I think its a tad cheaper and parts availabilty is ALOT better!!!!! not to mention its a 3 liter stock and a turbo upgrade will make this car scream!~!!!!
  14. are you getting the z31 rb20 mounts for that price, or a set of custom made units? the units mentioned above a CNC'd pieces and are very good looking they also set the motor back and as low as possible so a custom driveshaft will be needed. I will be getting a set as soon as i can find someone that still has them for sale. with my new motor and powerglide combo i will need a new drivesahft, downpipe and intercooler pipe anyways.
  15. Hey cyrus, Have you raced much? at the track that is. I did alot of street racing back in the day and racing at the track i found to be alot different then the street Anyways my first trip to the track yeilded alot of mid 12s in teh low 100s. with some practice launching and no other mods i eventually ran a 11.138 at 120mph. i dynoed shortly after this and i was sitting at 350RWHP on stock booste and maxed injectors. changed injectors and turned booste up a little,tuned on the dyno yeilded 392RWHP, slower ETs but higher 127+ traps. i was slower due to breaking crap and having to baby it off the line. Are you still running the r-200? if so beware. Do not launch hard with sticky drag radials at 20 PSI or lower. tire spin is nice it prevents breakage. At any rate i predict you will be dancing around the low 11s soon. Good luck
  16. any of these mounts still available?
  17. Terry if you could figure out a cost effective way to dupicate that as a kit you could make some money. I really like it.... looks BAD ASS. get some video when you get it on the road or the track.
  18. i upgaded to z31 300z stubs and was breaking those. they are the weak link once you get upgraded axles and diff. Thats why im going with a solid rearend (ford 8.8) instead of trying to come up with something that will withstand 400+ rwhp on a prepped drag track.
  19. not with 7 inshes of backspacing. i think about the most you can get away with is 5.5 Bs anymore then that and you will be hitting suspension parts or inner wheelwell.
  20. in general yes. you will still need to fabricate a a tranny mount. you can use the rb20 Z31 mounts to bolt the motor in or use the mount available from a few members here to set it as low as possible. you will have hood to intake manifold clearance issues with the rb20 or 25 if you use the z31 mounts. if you get a rb20 tranny get the driveshaft from the same car you get the tranny from, same goes for the rb25. you will also need the flange that presses into the diff of whatever car you get the tranny and driveshaft combo from. after the engine mounts, and tranny mounts are done and driveshaft installed there is no specific reciept. there is no kit for this swap so basically the intercooler, fuel system, and anything else involved with the swap is up to the swapper.
  21. Go to the search button and type rb26 and then select 6 cylinder forum if you use all forums you will get way too many returns. I got over 220 in just the 6 cyl forum alone. some may not answer your question but i know for sure the answers are there
  22. I say it's BS bigtime even if it was at the flywheel. Id need to see a video along with a dyno sheet.
  23. welcome hugh. Good luck with your swap. i still think you will need some sort of solid rearend with that kind of power on a prepped track.
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