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Everything posted by jbk240z

  1. Nice truck! I think I would remove the visor thingy, and maybe the rain guard things on the windows.
  2. What a great link! Thank you for posting. My favorites were of course the early S30 Z's. What a great collection of Datsun/Nissan vehicles.
  3. If I am not mistaken, that is the Z that was crushed by the wacko who stole the army tank and went for a ride. That Z is what I remember most about the video.
  4. Just park it outside, leave keys under the floormat. I can relieve you of the Z you hate. Lol, I am joking as I hope you are.
  5. I offer my condolences as well.
  6. It's about time you posted a very cool video. Krispy Kreme can't even make those kind of donuts. If you get the urge again, please post more vids.
  7. Here is a couple... A 1976 Ford LTD... and a 1970 Dodge Coronet
  8. I saw Boyz n the hood again tonight, 2 S130's and 1 S30. My wife says I am sick, calls it "the Z car virus". She has no idea how right she is.
  9. As far as I know there are 2 different styles of dashes. The '70 to '73, and then the '74 to '78. I hope this helps.
  10. How about those old Stutz bearcat thingies.......PIMPMOBILE!!!
  11. ^^That will get you hurt around these parts.......J/K
  12. The Chrysler 1980 to 1983 j body, Imperial here....
  13. I want to create a fun, non-pissing match type of thread. The idea is to post the ugliest car made in your opinion. Now, I do not mean to offend any fans of the cars posted, you like what you like. This is meant to be a non-biased type of thread, like belly buttons, everyone has an opinion. Again this is not to offend anyone! I am going to start by sayin the 1974 Dodge Charger is UGLY............
  14. I am more of a chevy guy than ford, but I have to admit, those enignes look great, massive, beefy.
  15. Would you consider adding a turbo? If so, here is a link that has many great low buck ideas for adding turbo to a SBF, or any engine for that matter. Check it out, I hope you find it helpful. http://www.toohighpsi.com
  16. Crazy indeed! Although, I can't help but wonder if it worked at all.
  17. I heard a theory on the radio yesterday...... Picture this, the Rockie's season ticket sales have not been real good up to this point. They decied to have a web based sale for the series tickets. They then create a "malicious computer attack" which spawns the "ticket havoc". Next year the average person will buy the season ticket to avoid all the Chaos. Hmmmmmm........ This may be speculation, but it is something to think about.
  18. The 200 mph Z probably runs the "nawz" and has those greddy, hks, etc. stickers that add 30 hp each. He probably saw that stupid fast & furious one too many times.
  19. I remember an old guy down south that used to say, "start it off". This was his way of saying to start the engine in the car/truck.
  20. People that pronounce New Orleans like "new-or-lee-uns". People who say "crick" when it is a creek. People who say "pee-can" instead of pecan. If someone says crayfish instead of crawfish, they are not from the south.
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