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Everything posted by jbk240z

  1. Here is one.......when comparing one thing to another, an old friend of mine use to say "It's the same difference". I know, it makes no sense to me either.
  2. "Live Strong", think nothing but positive thoughts, and keep the faith. I wish you guys the best of luck.
  3. A neat item on craigslist.... http://seattle.craigslist.org/skc/tag/414860028.html
  4. Oh my, this has to be the funniest post in a long time! My sides hurt from laughing! My wife came into my office to see what was going on, she laughed too.
  5. Agreed^^ As for help installing the 509, it is only an email or phone call away. Take care Doc. Jason
  6. Congrats on your buy. I think you got a great deal. Good luck.
  7. The vibrations and shock loads have got to be bone-jarring. I think I will pass on this activity.
  8. Your idea is kick a$$ IMO. Go for it, and be sure to post plenty of picks.
  9. What is this guy smoking?..............LOL!
  10. A couple of old seat belts from just about any modern car will work well also. Salvage yard seat belts are cheap!
  11. That girl/guy/dumba$$, etc. is a nugget short of a happy meal........lol That girl/guy/dumba$$ isn't the brightest crayon in the box.......lol That dog don't hunt, meaning that is dumb, or that is impossible, etc.
  12. Your Z is incredible! It defines sex on wheels!
  13. Oh boy, no kidding! I would hate to see what they want for something really pristine.
  14. IIRC, the switch has to be turned to the on position to be removed. Then I think there is a pin on the side you press in and the piece will come out. Although, your awitch looks a bit rough from the screwdriver abuse. Good luck.
  15. Looks like a rich, spoiled, brat to me..........nothing a little boring and stroking won't cure!
  16. Simply, absolutely, positively, incredibly, etc., etc., AWESOME!
  17. Gale banks used to make a twin turbo kit for the vette. IIRC, dr_hunt has one of those kits, you might pm him for more info. Good luck.
  18. Your ZX is simply beautiful! The color is amazing. Who has the bay next to the Z? Sanford & son? Just kidding. Good luck on finishing the Z.
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